Aims to provide a learning programme which will: Promote personal development. Promote positive attitudes to learning. Promote children’s Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities. Motivate children to develop literacy/numeracy skills. Encourage creativity and imagination. Enable children to develop physical confidence and competence. Develop curiosity and interest in the world around them. Enable children to communicate in a variety of ways.
Children learn best when they: are actively involved in planning, reviewing and reflecting on what they have done. are involved in play that is challenging. have choice and exercise autonomy and independence in their learning. work in stimulating environments and have access to a range of resources. develop relationships with peers and adults. have opportunities to be actively involved in the statutory curriculum requirements.
Language and Literacy Mathematics and Numeracy The Arts ( Art & Design, Music and Drama) The World Around Us Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU) Physical Development and Movement Religious Education
Are integrated into all areas of learning. We in The Foundation Stage create opportunities for children to develop their TS & PC skills through... Managing Information Being Creative Working with Others Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making Self Management
Dinner money - £2.30 per day; snack money £2 per week, payable on Mondays only please. Pupil registration – in F.S. pupils self register at 8.45am. If your child is leaving school for an appointment, obtain a permission slip from office and give to class teacher. Home- school liaison is very important, if there are any problems/queries, approach the class teacher.
Each child in P2 has a folder, which contains relevant materials – reading books, reading records, letters and any homework. P1 will receive their folder in November. Please bring folder and schoolbag to school each day. P.E on for P1 and P2 on Thursday – children must wear appropriate clothing and footwear. In F.S., we encourage children to wear comfortable school clothing throughout the day.
Please enter the school building at reception. Report to office. Children are not allowed to open the entrance doors for adults. Adults must not use children's toilets. If your child is leaving school for an appointment obtain a permission slip from the office. If your child is absent from school please inform the teacher in writing regarding that absence.
Mr O’Hagan Mr Martin Mrs Flanagan Mrs Henry/Miss Monaghan Mrs Byrne (BOG) Canon L Stevenson
Self – registration Planning for play Play / snack Tidy up time Break – outside play Recall Time
Literacy/Numeracy activities Lunch – outside play A cross curricular approach is adopted to develop areas such as; o The World Around Us o Physical Development and Movement o The Arts o Religion and PDMU Story Home time
Children develop Positive attitudes to school and learning. Gross motor skills are developed before the fine motor skills, needed for writing, can develop. Natural curiosity and imagination. Children visit new worlds, share feelings, make decisions and develop self confidence. Fundamental skills in Literacy & Language and Numeracy. Some classroom activities are better suited to outside. Children can be active, messier, louder, more creative. They can explore plants, insects, snow, puddles and mud etc. What they have learnt will be remembered because the learning was enjoyable and concrete.
The outdoor resources we have facilitate and develop the above skills. Park Large paint brushes Large vehicles and skateboards Balance boards Stilts Sand and water Musical instruments Art area Investigation areas Book corners
Class rules are agreed at the beginning of the school year – visual and on display. Good behaviour is expected and encouraged daily. Children are given opportunities to reflect on poor/inappropriate behaviour. A positive self esteem is promoted – stickers, stamps, peer/adult praise, assemblies are used as motivational incentives. Children are encouraged to be as independent as possible – toileting/snack/tidying up, job responsibilities, taking care of personal belongings and respecting that of others. Engage in co-operative play and learning experiences/think – pair- share, taking turns. Our classroom is a welcoming, fun and safe environment for all children.