1.3 Psychology
From Yesterday What is psychology? Types of Psychology Psychological Schools of Thought Psychoanalytic Theory
Freud Freud felt that individual sexual satisfaction or frustration was the key element in personality development
Alfred Adler ( )
Alfred Adler Adler believed that difficulties people encounter in gaining self-esteem and recognition, if not overcome by the normal means, lead to compensatory behaviour and resultant personality disorders which are now widely referred to as an inferiority complex.
Carl Jung ( )
Carl Jung Responsible for the identification of the Extroverted (outward-looking; outgoing; rely on others for sense of well being) and Introverted (inward-looking; emotionally self sufficient; well being comes from within) personality types. The other aspect of Jung's work which has been very influential is his approach to the analysis of dreams
Carl Jung Worked closely with Freud but split later in their careers
Psychoanalytic Theory Emphasizes individual counselling Trained practitioner leads patient to explore critical prior experiences Frequently those from childhood Allows patients to explore and explain their understanding of self and others
Behaviourists believe that psychologists can predict and control or modify human behaviour by identifying the factors that motivate it in the first place Behaviourists placed particular stress on the early childhood years, and the rules or practices parents use to raise their children because they believe these methods have a huge influence on the character of individuals even into adulthood
Charles B. Watson ( )
Charles B. Watson The founder of behaviourism He used animal experiments to determine whether strict of flexible learning patterns are more effective Wrote book “Psychological Care of the Infant and Child” concluded that children should be brought up using a ‘scientific’, strictly scheduled, rules- based model.
Benjamin Spock ( )
Benjamin Spock He believed that a permissive approach to child rearing, rather than a strict one, would result in successful, well-adjusted adults. He encouraged parents to be loving, flexible and supportive
Behaviourism Correct child-rearing methods would result in well-adjusted adults
Learning Theory
Learning Theorists agree that humans are born with little instinct but much learning potential They believe that most human behaviour is learned, especially in child and youth
Learning Theory By controlling the way in which humans learn behaviours, society can have a great influence on their ultimate personalities Believe that children who were brought up in loving families would grow up to become secure and loving adults, but only if parents provided clear and consistent expectations for good behaviour, and swift but fair consequences for bad behaviour
B.F. Skinner ( )
Skinner- Learning Theory Skinner proved that pigeons could be trained to peck at a particular coloured disk to get food rewards Rats received food rewards for pressing specific levers in a complicated sequence leading many theorists to believe that learning was a STIMULUS-RESPONSE effect
Skinner- Learning Theory He believed that if the subject is correctly stimulated it will give the appropriate response
Ivan Pavlov ( )
Ivan Pavlov Pavlov’s experiments with dogs showed that is was possible to get a dog to associate the sound of a bell with the imminent arrival of food At the sound of a bell, the dog would salivate in anticipation
Alfred Bandura (Born in 1925) Bandura concluded that learning is largely a modeling experience and more complicated than a mere stimulus-response effect When humans observe behaviour – either acceptable or unacceptable – they are more likely to practice it
Alfred Bandura Experiment- Bobo Question – What does this mean to us? What applications can be made to today?