Research Project Results: One Example
2 You are a resource teacher for special needs (primary). John is a 9 year old with a behavioural disorder integrated into a mainstream class. He comes from a dysfunctional family. His father is absent and mother is deceased. He lives with an older sister and is known to local police. He has been recently assigned a child care assistant. General Information
3 Strengths Good oral language skills Positive self-esteem in the social setting, has confident language skills Weaknesses Low frustration threshold in relation to school tasks Poor word recognition Reading fluency difficulties Poor written work and handwriting He has reading and writing difficulties but has He has a short attention span and is easily frustrated. Emotional / Behavioural Disorder Possibly ADHD Learner Profile
4 Improve word recognition Increase reading fluency Write a complete sentence Needs to be addressed
5 Group setting Paired Setting- with another peer One to one- teacher/childcare assistant Independent Use School Setting
6 Literacy Software To promote letter and word recognition as well as keyboarding skills To facilitate sentence construction in order to create a legible, finished piece of work To build up his own personal word bank and words from the class reader To produce a talking book using language experience approach. To produce professional looking products thereby raising his self esteem. Appropriate Software (Category)
7 First Keys to Literacy (Widgit) All My Words (Crick) Clicker 4 (Crick) Appropriate Software (Titles)
8 Digital Camera & Scanner To produce personalised resources which can motivate student Hardware/Peripherals
Useful Websites