>> 1 Pathways for all Raising aspirations Promoting mobility Improving wellbeing
>> 2 Overcrowding in Camden The demand - severe shortage of family size accommodation The impact - negative impacts on the well being of families The frustration - households focus on securing bigger homes
>> 3 We talked to overcrowded families Increased priority to move Higher priority when their homes were very small To improve life whilst living with overcrowding Practical solutions and assistance to manage space at critical times Information about alternative housing options.
>> 4 A versatile approach Reviewed our Allocations Scheme to give far greater housing priority to overcrowded families A new under-occupation strategy to help tenants choose to move identify under-occupiers within our stock a personalized approach to casework Improve life whilst living with overcrowding
>> 5 Pathways for all – moving forward To address housing need within the social sector To address the barriers to mobility To raise aspirations, increase opportunities & improve family wellbeing
>> 6 Structure and resources Mobility Work & Lifeskills Team Team manager & 8 Personal Options Advisers Under occupation adviser Flexible outreach work Partnership Opportunities Team Team manager & 2 Partnership officers Money Advice Specialist Mutual Exchange & Incentives Officer
>> 7 Targeting the Service Social housing tenants & their families Making best use of stock – tackling overcrowding & under-occupation Increasing mobility – using the HNR to target New Home – New You
>> 8 Delivering the service A holistic assessment Apply a life-coaching model over an intensive 3 month period Multiple home visits A personal action plan - incremental tasks for both adviser & client
>> 9 Capturing outcomes Outcomes linked to the action plan and claimed incrementally Soft as well as hard outcomes to motivate both adviser & client Cases closed after 3 months on average, many with a pre-set review date Cases are re-opened on review or further outcomes recorded
>> 10 Meeting housing need New housing need assessments 212 New registrations for mutual exchange 53 New applications for LCHO 9 Tenants moved into the PRS 6 Adult non dependants moved to the PRS 3 Home adaptation plans approved 21 Families offered space saving furniture 33
>> 11 Training & employment New ETE assessments 182 Referred for IAG 32 Engaging with IAG 39 Referred for voluntary work 8 Taken up training courses 7 Entered employment 2 Access to work grants made 3 Childcare place secured 1
>> 12 Money management & debt New assessments 131 Family incomes increased 5 Grants or loans applied for 5 & paid 4 Personal budget plans agreed 2 Debt repayment plans agreed 3 Negotiations with creditors completed 5
>> 13 Health & wellbeing New assessments 179 Referred to WISH services 48 - warmth, income, safety & health Referred to & engaging with family support services 15 Child welfare grants made 9 Referred to counselling services 3
>> 14 Targets & performance TargetPerformance To work intensively with 800 households in 2009/ cases opened 120 Moves out of social housing via the tenants options fund in 2009/10 58 moves using the Tenants Options Fund 30% engaging with employability related services 16% engagement Wellbeing assessments for 85% of clients 53% of clients
>> 15 Holly Marshall Pathways for all Tel: