Mrs. Susan Ahrensdorf Room Welcome to CC6 Math
Agenda A little about me Student Expectations Curriculum Homework Stamp Sheets Grading How you can support your child in math Contact information Questions: Please feel free to me any questions if we run out of time.
A Little About Me… Began teaching in – Masters in Teaching – Taught grades 4-5 (all subjects) – Now grades 6-7 (math) Prior to teaching had a long corporate career Wife & mother of twin boys!
Student Expectations Good Citizenship – Be Kind – Be Responsible – Be Respectful Students make the “investment” in his or her own education and do their best work Have fun
New Math Curriculum Course content is aligned and meets the rigor of the Common Core State Standards Students keep home copy Very few examples – but very interactive – Students learn through problem solving – They are expected to create own “examples” and “algorithms” in class and keep them in their spiral journal. 7 units with emphasis on Number Sense, Data and Statistics, Geometry and Algebra New text with some typo’s and answer key mistakes
Everything Students Need is Posted! Stamp Sheet Provides ongoing/current assignments Tracks success with homework, warm ups and classwork
Everything Students Need is Posted! What Should the Planner Look Like? Checked daily in PAWS 6 points per week 5 points for homework and Key items noted 1 point for parent signature each week
Everything Students Need is Posted! Math Spiral Journal & Binder Website: hrensdorfs/default.aspx hrensdorfs/default.aspx Class Syllabus Family Access: – Please check often for grades and missing assignments – Updated weekly If absent, students are responsible for using these resources to make up work before they return to school.
Students Should Stay Organized Binder & Math Spiral Journal The “Key” to Success Both must be kept neat and up to date Binder: Stamp Sheets, Syllabus, skills sheets, some handouts Spiral: – Classwork: thorough notes/ example problems – Homework completed on the next full blank page Important information is either in the binder, spiral or on my website Please ask to see them on a regular basis Math Spiral Journal 3-Ring Binder All Subjects Math One tab designated to Math
It’s Been a Long Time… How do I help my child with this stuff??? 1.Become familiar with my website for assignments and due dates 2.Stay up on Family Access 3.Insist on your child refer back to the class notes while doing homework 4.Use the math links on my website for help/videos or just “Google it” 5.Help Your Kids with Math $15.90 on Covers most middle school math concepts 6.Encourage your child to ask questions in class. Other kiddos probably have the same ones. 7. Please do not give your child the answers… Encourage, prompt, motivate
Grading Policies Citizenship (behavior, effort, participation) = 15% = 25% – Late assignments are worth 50% – Everything must be turned in before the unit test. Assessments (quizzes/tests) = 60%
Communication Mrs. Susan Ahrensdorf Room Please contact me anytime. I will do my best to respond within 48 hours
Thank you for coming! It’s an honor and privilege to be your child’s math teacher. Let’s work together to help make this a productive year!
Student appointments with Mrs. Ahrensdorf:. Before or after school by appointment.Some Wednesday mornings by appointment Additional