Section 4 Latin American Policies
Panama Americans and Europeans wanted to build a canal across ___________________ to connect the ______________________ and the _____________ Oceans.
Panama Now that the U.S. controlled territory in both oceans, it was even more important to have a ___________________ that would allow easier access to American overseas territories.
Panama Panama was an ___________________ - a narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land – about 50 miles wide.
Panama Panama was a northern province of ___________________. A ___________________ company tried to build a canal, but it was a failure because they ran out of money and the workers suffered from disease.
Panama The French company ended up selling its rights and property to ___________________ for $ ___________________. Eventually a treaty was signed for a _______ year lease with an initial payment of ___________________ and an annual (yearly) rent of $ __________________.
Revolution in Panama President ___________________ looked for other ways to lease the isthmus when Columbia rejected the U.S. offer. He claimed he would try to help ___________________ gain independence since none of their other revolts had worked in the past, and he did!
The Panama Canal Not everyone in the U.S., Latin America, and Congress agreed with Roosevelt’s actions. Turn and Talk Do you agree or disagree with Roosevelt’s actions? Why? Use facts and details from the text.
The Grand Opening A cargo ship named ________________ made the first voyage through the Panama Canal on August 15, What was the effect of the canal on shipping costs?_________________________________ What was the effect of the canal on military power? _________________________________
The Grand Opening How were relations between Latin America and the U.S. in the years following the opening? _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
What problem faced workers on the canal? _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
Policing the Western Hemisphere An African proverb says, “Speak __________ and carry a big __________.” Roosevelt often quoted this because he believed the U.S. should respond to foreign crises not with __________ but with __________ action.
Roosevelt believed that America must exercise “an international __________ power” to preserve order and prevent __________.
Turn and Talk Do you think Roosevelt would approve of the foreign policy of the U.S. today? Consider these situations: Keeping order? Spreading democracy? Protecting U.S. interests? Getting involved in lawlessness?
Roosevelt Corollary Roosevelt was worried that ______________ powers would intervene in the ______________. The U.S. claimed the right to intervene in the affairs of Latin American nations whenever those nations seemed ______________. This was an addition to the ______________ Doctrine which prevented European intervention.
Roosevelt Corollary The U.S. used it ______________ times. First in ______________ ______________ after a revolution that toppled their government. Then in ______________ when troops were sent in to stop a revolution.
Dollar Diplomacy William Howard Taft hoped to change foreign policy by “ substituting ______________ for ______________.” This meant that he would be willing to interfene in other nations’ affairs if they threatened American ______________ interests.
Dollar Diplomacy Turn and Talk: What were the positive effects of this policy? ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ What was the huge negative effect? ____________________________
Relations with Mexico In the early 1900’s, a small group of ______________ landholders controlled an otherwise ______________ country. The U.S. had many ______________ in Mexico. We used ______________ intervention because Mexico threatened these investments.
Who were these leaders? Turn and Talk: Francisco Madero _______________________________________ Porfirio Diaz _______________________________________ General Victoriano Huerta _______________________________________
Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy Woodrow Wilson hoped to avoid further __________________ by the U.S. He sought to promote __________________ as a way to ensure __________________ and prevent war and __________________. He felt that the U.S. had a duty “to ___________ the South American republics to elect ___________ men.
Turn and Talk Read what happened in Mexico at the bottom of the first column on page 254. Do you approve or disapprove of Wilson’s “moral diplomacy” foreign policy? __________________ Why or why not? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Francisco “Pancho” Villa What was his goal in shooting 16 Americans? ____________________________________ What almost happened as the U.S. went after him? ____________________________________ What did the experience in Mexico show other nations? ____________________________________
What were the foreign policy beliefs of the following three presidents? Roosevelt __________________ ____________________________________ Taft __________________ ____________________________________ Wilson __________________ ____________________________________