Percent of High School Teachers with Physics Degrees
MAPE Requirements Summer residence courses (~4 weeks) PHYS 631, 632 Introductory calculus based (4,4) PHYS 635, 636 Associated labs (3,3) Distance learning courses PHYS 605, 606 How Things Work I, II (3,3) PHYS 609 Galileo to Einstein (3) PHYS 633 Modern Physics (4) PHYS 641 Teaching Physics Pedagogy (3)
List of Courses for MAPE UVa Resident Physics Courses (Summer) –PHYS 631 Motion, Fluids, Heat (4 cr.) –PHYS 635 Lab (3 cr.) –PHYS 632 E/M, Waves, Optics (4 cr.) –PHYS 636 Lab (3 cr.)
MAPE Distance Learning Courses –PHYS 605 How Things Work I (3 cr.) –PHYS 606 How Things Work II (3 cr.) –PHYS 609 Galileo and Einstein (3 cr.) –PHYS 633 Modern Physics (Relativity, Quantum Physics) (4 cr.) –PHYS 641 Physics Pedagogy (3 cr.)
Possible Plan of Study Summer 2005 (in residence) PHYS 631 Classical & Modern Physics I ( 4 cr.) PHYS 635 (3 cr.) Fall 2005 PHYS 605 How Things Work I (3 cr.) Spring 2006 PHYS 606 How Things Work II (3 cr.) Summer 2006 (in residence) PHYS 632 Classical & Modern Physics II (4 cr.) PHYS 636 (3 cr.)
Possible Plan of Study – 2 nd year Fall 2006 PHYS 609 Galileo & Einstein (3cr.) Spring 2007 PHYS 641 Physics Pedagogy (3 cr.) Summer 2007 PHYS 633 Modern Physics III (4cr.) Finish August 2007 Complete degree program in 2 1/4 years
Phys 631, 632; summer courses Calculus - based course. Textbook: Haliday, Resnick, and Walker hour physics lecture/demonstrations. Use pedagogy that teachers can take into classroom. Numerous illustrations, overheads, notes, cartoons. Include JiTT with WebAssign and Physlets /2 hour recitations using best high school teachers. Live in dorms and tutor. Problem sets continue up to October using WebAssign. Four weekly quizzes in summer. Final exam in October. Make connections to other areas in science & real life.
Physics 633 – modern physics Distance learning course Use own textbook (with Andy Rex, 3 rd ed.) Homework and tests via WebAssign Average 3 mini-lectures per chapter Problem solving for each chapter Links to physlets, simulations Students must be independent Help through list serve
Physics 641 – physics pedagogy Distance learning course No lectures or exams 14 weekly assignments – Use Open Portfolio program nature of science laboratories (Real Time Physics) demonstrations (PTRA) technology in classroom Workshop Physics, Physics by Inquiry, Active Physics, Simulations, Physlets, Modeling Read Knight’s Five Easy Lessons, Arons’s Teaching Introductory Physics
@ Phys 631 Mechanics, Motion, and Heat (4 Phys 635 Curriculum Enhancement I / Lab( 3 Phys 632 E/M, Waves, Optics (4 Phys 636 Curriculum Enhancement II / Lab (3 Phys 633 Modern Physics ( 4 cr.) Courses that require Calculus
Other Courses for MAPE PHYS 613 Instructional Materials Development (3 cr.) (4 week summer session at Jefferson Laboratory) PHYS 640 Independent Study (3-6 cr)
Master of Arts in Physics Education Current Status Active candidates33 Admitted, but not enrolled 3 Denied admission (last year) 2 Dropped, not successful 3 Retake courses 3
MAPE Graduates
Reduce time for administrating the proctoring of exams and answering duplicative questions by . Make better use of chat room. Include audio/video. Incorporate experiments done at home. Double enrollment in distant learning courses. More cost effective. Eventually replace CDs with DVDs. Appeal to a broader group of teachers. Future Plans