Graduate Education – Which Way Forward? Ken Heller University of Minnesota
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Bert Lance (1977 ) “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure “ Ben Franklin (~1750 ) Physics graduate school Attracts talented students from all over the world Produces great research Teaches the common foundations of all physics Prepares students for a career in academic research Emphasizes apprenticeship Talented students choose other fields of study Talented women and minorities are not going into physics Students interested in contemporary research are faced with 50 year old course work Fewer students want a profession of academic research Courses do not use modern pedagogy
Some Questions Is graduate course work a gateway or a barrier? How long should a PhD take? Do we prepare students for their actual professions? Does the structure of the graduate experience encourage students’ interest in contemporary physics issues? Does graduate school nurture talented students? Does physics graduate education contribute to physics being less attractive to women than almost every other field? What is the purpose of –Course work –High stakes examinations –The TA experience –The RA experience –The dissertation
The Expertise is In This Room Explore our graduate program similarities Share our graduate program differences Discuss our questions, qualms, and insights Describe how we determine if our graduate program works Suggest additional information needed to guide program modifications Suggest resources needed to improve graduate programs. Define a focused study to clarify the way forward Be content that everything we are doing is already the best. OR