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The Beata Clasp ® New medical device technology Simple in design Organizes and holds medical tubing Latex-free Disposable / Recyclable Single patient use B edside E ntanglement A voidance T ubing A pparatus
Instructions for Cleaning Beata Clasp Soap and Water, Cavi Wipes ®, Germicidal or Bleach solutions may be used to clean Beata Clasp while in use for a single patient. Do not Autoclave.
Effortless to Use Attaches to hospital bedrails in seconds No adhesives needed Tubing is aligned into grooves Transfers to IV poles, wheelchairs, and walkers for ambulation Do not permanently affix tubing to Beata Clasp ® For passive restriction only
Benefits ↓ time spent untangling lines ↓ chance for contamination ↓ time & re-work from line reinsertions ↓ risk of tripping ↑ patient safety & satisfaction ↑ operational efficiency ↑ care team vitality & safety Creates a culture of patient safety
Prompts Intuitive Compliance Directs the user to take correct action Limited training necessary Easily involve patient and family in care National Patient Safety Goal #13: Encourage patient’s active involvement in their own care as a patient safety strategy.
Tubing Misconnections Multiple medical devices connected to patients Similar and often identical connectors Care providers may connect two devices which have different intended purpose
Efforts to Prevent Misconnections The World Health Organization –Patient Safety Solution Topic #7: Avoiding Catheter & Tubing Misconnections The Joint Commission –April 3, 2006 “Sentinel Event Alert” –Tubing Misconnections - A Persistent & Potentially Deadly Occurrence U.S. FDA –Luer Misconnections
Line Reconciliation Process The ECRI, Emergency Care Research Institute, recommended that the single most important work practice solution for clinicians is to trace all lines back to their origin before connecting or disconnecting any devices or infusions. National Patient Safety Goal #2E: Implement a standardized approach to hand-off communications, including opportunity to ask and respond to questions
Liability Proactive risk reduction device Inexpensive solution to address rising medical malpractice exposure Demonstrates taking steps to create safety National Patient Safety Goal #9: Reduce the Risk of Harm From Falls
Preventable Hospital-Acquired Conditions (HACs) Falls and Trauma - Fracture - Dislocation - Intracranial Injury - Crushing Injury - Burn - Electric Shock - 193,566 cases - $33,894 / hospital stay Vascular Catheter-Associated Infections - 29,536 cases - $103,027 / hospital stay National Patient Safety Goal : Implement evidence-based practices to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections
Prevent Central Line Infections
Enhancing Patient Safety Reduce the number of "never events" -- preventable medical errors that result in serious consequences for the patient… “You first have to be the changes you want to see in the world.” – Albert Sweitzer
People want to know what hospitals are doing regarding patient safety and quality – and they want to hear it from their hospitals, not a government agency or other source. The Beata Clasp presents an opportunity to maintain and enhance credibility and consumer confidence. Enhancing Patient Safety
Conclusion Reduces medical errors Eliminates waste and rework Eliminates problem of lost call lights Eliminates the “spaghetti syndrome” Decreases contamination Involves patients and families in discussion of tubing safety
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