Learning Companion that will recognize a learner’s affective state and respond appropriately to those states Cognitive machine
Elements of Learning DataInformationKnowledge Q&AIntegrate Focus of modern day educational pedagogy
Elements of Insightful Learning Data Information Knowledge New focus of attention WisdomAnecdote Values and disvalues insight integration Q&A pairs collection story making It’s a Loop!
Emotion Axes _ Anxiety - Confidence _ Boredom - Fascination _ Frustration - Euphoria _ Dispirited - Encouraged _ Terror - Enchantment _ Humiliation - Pride 6 candidate axes
Constructive Learning Un-Learning Negative AffectPositive Affect III IIIIV +1+1 curiosity disappointment frustration discard misconceptions hopefulnes s fresh research confusion satisfaction investigate diagnose dispiritedness Emotions and Learning Cycle determination
Learning Companion Thank you for your attention – any questions?