What makes this world perfect? First point Second point Third point Your name (not the focal point) Name of Utopia
Poster Expectations Well thought out anthem that meets all of the written requirements discussed in class (see last slide for requirements) Nice presentation of your society’s name Three well thought out points, followed by the exact prompt, “What makes this world perfect?” QR code that is at least 50% the size of the page Your name at the bottom Decorative page border One clip art image SAVE TO YOUR THUMB DRIVE! Back your poster using colored construction paper
QR Code Using Word, retype your community’s anthem and save it in your student file AND on your thumb drive Proof, proof, proof! Google “KAYWA” (it’s a free QR code generator website) Once in Kaywa, click on “text” from the options Copy and paste the text from your Word document into the text box provided on KAYWA’s site Click “GENERATE free” to create your code Save the image as a picture in your student file AND on your thumb drive Go back to your PowerPoint and insert the image into your PowerPoint slide
Anthem Requirements Three sentences Points that match to the Elements of a Utopian society while highlighting positive things about your community Proper grammar and spelling Advanced word choice Creativity!