Training Course SuperCool 1000 Level 1 Course #P0131
1000 Level 1 Contents Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Inputs and Outputs Module 3: Features Exam
1000 Level 1 M1 Tº 72.0 ºF Pr. Act: Manual switch for mist Rapid-access function keys LCD display for ease of programming LED display readable at a distance Pilot lights indicate status of controller outputs
1000 Level 1 System Controls the operation of a high pressure nozzle system by keeping track of humidity and temperature levels. The high pressure nozzle system is the one sold by Victoria Equipment. Controls stir fans. Dairy cows are the main application. It can also be used for poultry and hog production. Click on image to view video.
1000 Level 1 What the Client Gets Controller; 1 temperature probe; Contactor box for pump; Instruction manual / wiring diagram. Product Options Up to 3 relative humidity sensors; Indoor or outdoor temperature probes; Valve; Pressure switch; Water meter; Configuration module; Comlink-1 for communications (Bridge)
1000 Level 1 Module 2: Controller Inputs and Outputs
1000 Level 1 Inputs and Outputs 6 x indoor T º probes 1 x outdoor T º probe 3 x indoor relative humidity sensors 1 x water meter 1 pressure switch 1 mist output –1 pump –1 mist valve –1 drain valve 3 fan groups.
1000 Level 1 Input: Relative Humidity Sensors You can select sensors to use. Allows for various strategies: –Misting: Compensation on pump operating times; Stop pump if RH too high. –Operation of fan groups according to RH level History record over 7 days for minimum and maximum values.
1000 Level 1 Output: Mist Operates according to 4 intensity levels. For each level, user must indicate: –Start and stop temperature; –Timer settings. For example: Intensity
1000 Level 1 Output: Mist (cont’d) Depending on RH level, controller will modify timer operating times in 2 ways: –Humidity lower than comfort zone: Time Off is decreased –Humidity higher than comfort zone: Time On is decreased RH Comfort Zone No compensation 50% = % Time Off Current Max Compensated 50%60%80% 90% Low RH set-pointHigh RH set-point 50% = % Time On %RH Current Max Compensated Pump will stop for a shorter period Pump will operate for a shorter period
1000 Level 1 Output: Mist (cont’d) Mist operation can be shut off: –If RH level too high; –During the night. Mist can be activated if RH too low (dust control)