Cornelia Cretiu Vasiliu Fundamentals of Nanotechnology
M otivation M ethods of synthesis C haracterization of structure M orphology and particle size distribution P roperties & A pplications 2
Bone: 2 nd most implanted tissue after blood Protein matrix containing type 1 collagen and minerals Calcium as: (Ca 2+ ) 10-x (H 3 O + ) 2x *(PO 4 ) 6 (OH - ) 2 Synthetic vs. homo-, allo-, xeno-geneic implants Properties: biocompatibility, biodegradability, mechanical integrity, vascularization inductivity, osteoconductivity, and osteoinductivity 3
Methods of synthesis Methods of synthesis HA Wet methods 5 Solid-state reactions 6 Sol-gel 7 Ellectrocrystallization 8 Spray pyrolysis 9 Emulsion processing 10 Hydrothermal treatment 11 nHA Chemical precipitation 1 Hydrothermal treatment 12 Microwave synthesis 2 To be considered: stoichiometry, pH, rate of addition, ionic strength 4
Co precipitation 1) Ca(OH) 2 + H 3 PO 4 n HA Aqueous, pH 8, 38 o C Microwave synthesis 2) 10 Ca(OH) 2 +6 (NH 4 )2HPO 4 Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 (OH) 2 +6H 2 O+12NH 4 OH 850W, 20 min. 13) Aq. Sol. NaNO 3, Ca(NO 3 ) 2 ·4H 2 O and KH 2 PO 4 precursor 600W, 5 min. stirred in H 2 O ( room temperature, 1 h) nHA particles. nHA Methods of synthesis 5
XRD( 1 Powder XRD of the HA precipitate: (a) as-prepared, (b) calcined at 700 °C, (c) calcined at 800 °C, (d) calcined at 900 °C and (e) calcined at 1200 °C. [specific peaks :(H) HAP; (b) β-TCP; (a) α-TCP].( 1 6
IR( 1 spectra of the nHA precipitates: (a) as-dried, (b) calcined at 700 °C, (c) calcined at 800 °C, (d) calcined at 900 °C and (e) calcined at 1200 °C. 7
8 TEM micrograph of as-synthesized nano HA crystals( 14 SEM micrograph of the as-prepared nHA( 1
9 DLS: Histogram representation of the mean diameters of as- prepared nHA suspended in aqueous solution. ( 1
10 Applications Applications Cell morphology after being cultured for 15 min on the different nHA coated(G2) and uncoated(G1H) titanium surfaces. Surface roughness decreased ( 2 nHA doped PLGA composite (30% nHA) hollow fiber membrane fabricated using wet phase inversion technique ( 13 (2(2 ( 13 Coatings Fibers, tubes
11 Bone filler( 4 (A)Preoperative axial CT (B) Lateral preoperative view (C) After reduction, the remaining defect was filled with nHA paste. (D) Postoperative radiograph (E) 6 weeks after surgery. The patient progressed to full weight bearing at this point in time. (F) 12 months postoperatively, only a marginal loss of correction could be measured.
12 Future developments Future developments CT scan Computer file Choose customized design Print, sinter implant Seed cells, growth factors Implant
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14 HA: βTCP 60: o C/4h HA: βTCP 60: o C/4h