Works Cited Page: MLA Style Many thanks to Diana Hacker, The Purdue Online Writing Lab, Citation Machine, and Stacey Miller! Your work has contributed greatly to this culmination of research writing instruction and support.
BASIC FORMAT Your Works Cited Page will be an alphabetized list of all the sources that you used in creating your presentation You must follow the proper formatting guidelines Here’s a great website: OWL Basic MLA Works Cited Format
Sample Works Cited Pages Here are some websites with excellent examples of Works Cited Pages: OWL Works Cited Hacker Works Cited
What is included on a Works Cited Page? Because every source is different, it’s difficult to know exactly what information or data is required for each entry Here are some websites to help you with your Works Cited entries: Diana Hacker Works Cited OWL Works Cited: Books OWL Works Cited: Electronic Sources OWL Works Cited: Other Common Resources Citation Machine