Olivia’s Favorite Animal Is it A. cheetah A. cheetah B. Dog B. Dog C. Lion C. Lion
How Many Pet’s Does Olivia Have? Is It A. 5 B. 2 C. 3
Where Is My room? Is It A. Upstairs B. DOWNSTAIRS C. Outside
What IS My 4 th period Is it A. math B. English C. Science
What is my favorite subject/ Is it A. science B. math C. keyboadring
What is my address? Is it A. 702 Sequoia B. 209 Wood C West Sequoia
True or false ? My pets names are Murphy, Tiger, Molly, and Jake?
True or False? Last Year my best friends name was Mallory.
What is my favorite activity? Is it A. swimming B. reading C. get on the computer
Where did I go to school last year? Is it A. Blessed Sacrament B. green county tech C: nettleton
The answers! If you got 1 right you get a 10 2-20 3-30 4-40 If you made 80% or up u truly know 5-50 me and we are meant to be friends 6-60 7-70 8-80 9-90