Tuesday, February 3 rd – Family Academy at Flint Springs at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 4 th - Fort Wayne Philharmonic Harp and Percussion Program Wednesday, February 4 th - Delay Schedule News Ms. Hedrick Grade 2 January 30, 2009 SNOW DAYS- Because of all of the snow days we have had, the midterm date has been moved to Friday, February 13 th and the end of this 9 weeks will be Friday, March 13 th with report cards going home March 19 th. This may change if we have more cancellations. I will keep you updated. INFO ABOUT BOOK REPORTS- Your child should be bringing home a ziploc bag with a book and journal in it. They are to read it once each night that it is assigned as homework. After they read the story, they are to close the book and write about their story. I had them make a list of what to write about on their first page for if it was fiction or nonfiction. Fiction- 1) title 2) author 3) main characters 4) setting 5) plot; Nonfiction- 1) title 2) author 3) 1 st fact 4) 2 nd fact 5) 3 rd fact ATTENDANCE- Our attendance so far for the month of January is 97.4%. Our attendance has gone down! Let’s make sure to be at school every day! Life Skill of the week: Organization Upcoming Dates New Spelling Words: not, off, small, snap, were Weekly Work by Jack Zoerb This week in math we began working on geometric shapes and we kept working on cups and pints, weight in pounds, and measuring items with a ruler. This week in math we began working on geometric shapes and we kept working on cups and pints, weight in pounds, and measuring items with a ruler. In language arts this week we reviewed the vowel patterns ue and ui and learned the vowel patterned or, orn, and art. We reviewed old vocabulary words and learned new vocabulary words (daily, orbit, position, ray, rotate, and solar). We also reviewed the skill of determining important information. We then took the vocabulary test on Tuesday. In language arts this week we reviewed the vowel patterns ue and ui and learned the vowel patterned or, orn, and art. We reviewed old vocabulary words and learned new vocabulary words (daily, orbit, position, ray, rotate, and solar). We also reviewed the skill of determining important information. We then took the vocabulary test on Tuesday. In Science this week we have been checking our plants that are in light and in darkness for our plant experiment to test our hypothesis. We are also going to be charting the weather over the upcoming weeks. In Science this week we have been checking our plants that are in light and in darkness for our plant experiment to test our hypothesis. We are also going to be charting the weather over the upcoming weeks. Things to be practicing at home: -telling time -counting coins -addition facts -subtraction facts -retelling all parts of a story Hi my name is _______. My birthday is ______. The people in my family are ______________ ____. My favorite subject in school is ________. My favorite food is ________. This summer I _____________. Camper Week Of the ?