Local government and academic research: new routes for collaboration Natalie Jones, Deputy Head of Knowledge Exchange
▶ Doctoral training centre network ▶ Administrative data centre UK network ▶ Evidence centres for social policy: What Works ▶ Impact Acceleration Accounts at 24 universities ▶ Local Government Knowledge Navigator programme 50 years of support for social science
▶ Cross-disciplinary work to answer major societal issues ▶ Greater awareness of international perspective ▶ Collaborative working (in the UK and beyond) ▶ Full exploitation of existing resources ▶ Investing in the next generation ESRC Strategic Plan 2015
ESRC support for public services ▶ Research for IT systems redesign, ▶ Oxford IAA support for translating research on Nigerian policing reform, ▶ Gateway for researchers into Parliament, ▶ High Streets evidence review.
What IAAs are for ▶ To create conditions, capabilities and opportunities for social and economic impact in and from social science research – Funded by ESRC or otherwise ▶ Impacts on: – Policy making, implementation and evaluation, – Business and organisational performance, – Staff capabilities, – Infrastructures within organisations, – Integration of impact opportunities within research proposals to ESRC
Business plans include: ▶ Placements and secondments for researchers and research users, ▶ Flexible awards schemes with quick turnaround, ▶ Network and relationship development with research users and external organisations, ▶ Training and development programmes to embed impact, ▶ Focus on area based programmes e.g. east end of Glasgow, Norwich Science Park.
IAAs - What’s in it for local authorities ▶ Expertise based on high quality research: – Public health, social work, demography and much more ▶ Clear access points at each university ▶ Advice and guidance ▶ Embedded application processes for funding ▶ Training and networking opportunities
For IAAs: Why encourage working with local authorities ▶ A wide range of activities, professional groupings and affiliations ▶ Relatively accessible ▶ Potential for enduring relationships – less churn ▶ Sources of lots of other networks ▶ Potential for visible impact by researchers ▶ Lots of them! ▶ BUT many have lost research expertise – time to build relationships will be necessary
Plenary discussion
Some questions for discussion ▶ From the presentations by John Mawson and the Knowledge Navigators: – What lessons have you identified? ▶ From the presentations by Abdool Kara and Councillor Tim Cheetham: – How do your IAA business plans tackle the issues they raised? ▶ How can we best communicate with local government what is on offer through ESRC IAAs?
▶ Catherine Staite – Director of the Institute for Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham ▶ Builds on existing work by Knowledge Navigators ▶ Start 01 May 2015 ▶ Embedded with SOLACE and the LGA Research Facilitator for Local Government
The Research Facilitator role ▶ What the role entails: 4 Key Areas – Promote the benefits of research-local authority collaborations, – Support the partners to deliver key actions from Analysis to Action, – Increase social science use within local government and their sector bodies, – Monitor the impact of the role.
Contacting the research facilitator ▶ During April 2015: – or (FAO Natalie Jones) ▶ May 2015-April 2016: – Emily Hargreaves, Birmingham University ▪ LG network for IAAs ▪ – David Pye, Local Government Association ▪ Primary link for IAA institutions ▪