123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 1/12 唱述父神伟大权力 I sing the mighty pow’r.


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I Sing The Mighty Power of God
Lord’s Day Worship Service
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I Sing the Mighty Power of God
His Name is Wonderful His name is wonderful, His name is wonderful, His name is wonderful, Jesus my Lord, He is the mighty king, Master of everything,
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name 1
How Great is Our God 我神真偉大
How Great is Our God 我神真偉大
Presentation transcript:

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 1/12 唱述父神伟大权力 I sing the mighty pow’r of God 兴起群山高峰 That made the mountains rise,

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 2/12 更使海洋辽阔无边 That spread the flowing seas abroad 布置万里晴空 And built the lofty skies.

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 3/12 唱述父神智慧安排 I sing the wisdom that ordained 太阳管理白天 The sun to rule the day;

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 4/12 清月光辉听 祂 命令 The moon shines full at His command, 群星顺服不变 And all the stars obey.

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 5/12 唱述上主无限美善 I sing the goodness of the Lord 使地出产食粮 That filled the earth with food;

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 6/12 祂 用言语造出万物 He formed the creatures with His word 美巧配受称扬 And then pronounced them good.

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 7/12 祢手所造无不奇妙 Lord, how Thy wonders are displayed 到处可以寻见 Where’er I turn my eye;

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 8/12 花草树木 蔚蓝天空 If I survey the ground I tread 证主大能无边 Or gaze upon the sky!

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 9/12 一朵小花一棵小树 There’s not a plant or flow’r below 都被装饰鲜明 But makes Thy glories known;

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 10/12 微风吹拂祥云飘扬 And clouds arise and tempests blow 都听宝座命令 By order from Thy throne;

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 11/12 万物既从主得命令 While all that borrows life from Thee 父神必永眷顾 Is ever in Thy care,

123 Slide 1 (Pg 1-4) Slide 2 (Pg 5-8) Slide 3 (Pg 9-12) (I sing the Mighty power of God ) Hymn28- 唱述父神伟大权力 Bb 4/4 12/12 天父子民无论何去 And ev’ry where that man can be, 父神都必随护 Thou, God, art present there.