ICT-AGRI / SmartAgriFood Joint Call Iver Thysen DASTI ict-agri.eu
Future Internet Concept app data App developer Another app developer app generic enablers
SmartAgriFood Call App development projects by SMEs using FI technology for an agricultural purpose Technological support from SmartAgriFood partners Project execution over 18 months in three stages: ▫ 50 prototype developments ▫ 40 tests in at least three countries ▫ 30 business cases Total funding 4 M€ € in average
ICT-AGRI Call Establish projects with SmartAgriFood applicants A kick off for implementing central issues of the Strategic Research Agenda and a base for further development in ICT-AGRI-2 Extend value by adding agricultural knowledge and data Provide testbeds for apps (including adaption of data to apps developed in a different country) Examples ▫ Knowledge base systems from agricultural research to the market ▫ Export of agricultural software to neighbour countries ▫ European wide ICT support to smart agricultural machines (invitation to the industry)
ICT-AGRI / SmartAgriFood2 Call SmartAgriFood2 will fund the main costs for implementation and administration for the call We have official accept of running the call in ICT-AGRI-2 Expected negotiation of SmartAgriFood2: 6 March 2014 Probable call launch: September 2014 Current ICT-AGRI interest for participation ▫ DASTI M€ ▫ DAFA 1.0 M€ ▫ LAS 0.3 M€ ▫ MMM 0.2 M€ ▫ Tekes ▫ GDAR