AP biology Ch.1
Why is AP biology the best class ever?? What you need to know about: The class The test Understanding the scope and relativity
The test 65 multiple choice questions 4 short answer questions 4 open response questions with multiple sub- questions
Themes Evolution Energy transfer Structure and function Regulation Communication
Topics Chemistry Cells Energy Genetics Evolution Plants and animals: anatomy and physiology Ecology
hierarchy Atoms- molecules – organelles – cell – tissue – organ- organ system – organism – population – communities – ecosystem - biosphere Emergent properties…as climb the hierachy Cell is more than sum of it’s parts Due to arrangement and interactions of parts Examle: brain injury: all parts still present, but does NOT work properly
Hierarchy Tissue: similar cells with similar function Organ: mult. Types of cells with complex function Organ system Organism Population: all individuals of 1 species in 1 area Community: all living things in 1 area Ecosystem: all living and non-living things in 1 area
Activities of life Cell is the lowest level capable of all activities of life Growth Reproduction Response to stim Regulation Energy processing
Discovery Cell discovered: Robert Hooke 1665 cork
Cell theory Cell Theory: Schleiden and Schwann All living things consist of cells All cells come from other cells
Two types of cells Prokaryote: bacteria Eukaryote: fungi, plants, animals
prokaryote Prokaryotic cells: No membrane bound organelles What does it have?
eukaryote Eukaryotic cells: More complex Internal membranes nuclues
3 Domains of life Bacteria Archaea Eukarya
Regulation Feedback mechanisms Negative feedback: most common The output or product of a process (negatively) regulates that very process Positive feedback Product of a process positively enhances the process
Evolution Introduced by Charles Darwin in the book The Origin of Species Current species arose from a succession of ancestors Descent with modification: Natural selection Natural environment “selects” for the propagation of certain traits
Tree of life Family tree Adaptive radiation
Data Data: recorded observations Items of information on which scientific inquiry is based. Qualitative: recorded descriptions (color of leaves) Quantitative: numerical information
Scientific method Hypothesis: educated supposition of what will happen when certain changes are made. Experimental design: variable, control Data collection: will there be qualitative (pics) or quantitative Format results: graphs Conclusion: what does it mean
DNA DNA: ALL cells contain DNA at some point Universality of genetic code
Nucleotides DNA double helix 4 nucleotides A T C G Adenine Thymine Guinine Cyosine
DNA Nucleus of each human cell has entire genome 3 billion chemical letters long