CPMR Conference Baltic Master Workshop Karlskrona, 1-2 June,2006 Prepared by: Mrs Urszula Kowalczyk, Jakub Piotrowicz
R&D Institute over 100 employees over 100 employees established in 1950 established in 1950 under The Ministry of Shipping current Ministry of Maritime Economy (analysis, expertises, statistics,opinions, yearly reports on maritime economy in Poland) under The Ministry of Shipping current Ministry of Maritime Economy (analysis, expertises, statistics, opinions, yearly reports on maritime economy in Poland)
Fields of Activity MARITIME INSTITUTE IN GDANSK Fields of Activity Maritime Hydrotechnics Maritime Hydrotechnics Environment Protection Environment Protection Ecology Ecology Operational Oceanography Operational Oceanography Water Economy and Maritime Engineering Water Economy and Maritime Engineering Seaborne trade, Logistics, Ports Seaborne trade, Logistics, Ports Marine Corrosion Marine Corrosion Marine Electronics Marine Electronics
PARTICIPATION IN INTERREG PROJECTS BSR INTERREG III: The Baltic MaSTER – Maritime Safety Across Borders BaSIM - Baltic Sea Information Motorways InterBaltic LOG_VAS- Logistic Value-Added Services InLoC – Integrating Logistics Centres in the Baltic Sea Region (Continuation of completed: NeLoC - Networking Logistics Centres in the Baltic Sea Region) LOG_ALL - Strategic Logistics Alliance Hanse-Passage InterMareC: Interregional Maritime Cluster – Development and Improvement
Maritime Institute in Gdańsk is the Leader of WP2 of Baltic Master Project: SAFE TRANSPORTATIONS AT SEA Strategic focus of WP2: Preventive measures to avoid accidents related to the increase of transportations of oil and other hazardous goods in the BSR. Main outputs: Improved safety in BSR- reports on PSSA and APMs- regional and local perspectives Reports and workshops concerning monitoring systems Vision of PSSA 2020 Action List for the regions
Major mechanisms WP2 Report will cover PSSA/APM’s and other elements. - Traffic separation/ Routing - Areas to be avoided - No anchoring areas - Ship reporting systems (including Automatic Identification System AIS)- results from Maritime Traffic Monitoring Report - Ice/winter navigation - Discharge restrictions - Maps of areas endangered by oil spills - Places of refuge on the Baltic Sea Area- legal status, designation etc. - Baltic Sea-wide concept of harbours for ships in distress - Requirements on vessels
Major mechanisms (continued) - Dangerous goods report (examination of routes of transportation of dangerous goods, Vision of dangerous goods transport in view of PSSA – monitoring of vessels within Exclusive Economic Zones - Collision and grounding model for ship collision and grounding probability - Reaction plans for accidents and oils spills - Hydro-meteorological information - Identification of hazards for future Formal Safety Assessments – systematic process for assessing risks and evaluating IMO options for reducing risks. - Traffic intensity forecast- Forecast of traffic level, detailed statistics of traffic APM’s: Routes- Variant development Accident Risk Assessment Pollution Risk Assessment Socio-Economic Assessment
PSSA and APMs Report - Description of current PSSA status and Associated Preventive Measures assessment process - PSSA as an inventory of knowledge, legal status, analysis of existing procedures - Description of regional priorities for the PSSA - Situation of The Baltic Sea Area in comparison with other European PSSA areas, - Mapping of responsibility - Definition of major PSSA mechanisms, objectives and present status
Maritime Traffic Monitoring as APM - Report on use of AIS (Automatic Information Systems) on the Baltic Sea -Analysis of Traffic Monitoring Systems workshops, description, use of Information Exchange Systems - Sharing experiences on Maritime Safety Information Exchange System (SWIBŻ) - SafeSeaNet’ exchange of information in Coastal States on the Baltic Sea present state and planned development. - Detection and dealing with accidents involving potential loss of oil
Tracks of ships equipped with AIS along the Polish coast ( – )
Particulary Sensitive Sea Area – PSSA “An area which needs special protection through action by IMO because of its significance for recognised ecological (uniqueness, vulnerability, dependency) or socio-economic (economy, recreation, human dependency) or scientific (research, monitoring, historical value) reasons and which may be vulnerable to damage by maritime activities.” (IMO Resolution A.927(22) and Guidelines for Identification and Designation of PSSA) Maritime Environmental High Risk Areas (MEHRA) - comparatively limited areas of high sensivity which are also at risk from shipping
Source: WWF
Associated Protective Measures (APM’s) Ship reporting and routing Shipping mangement plans navigation charts Disaster management concept Oil spils risk assessment Satellite and aerial surveillance, Traffic Separation Scheme s(new, or extended) Vessel Traffic Services Compulsory pilotage Areas to be avoided Certain activities prohibited Legal Framework: UNCLOS Regulations under IMO: MARPOL 73/78 The IMO is the only international body responsible for designating areas as Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas and adopting associated protective measures IMO A 24/Res.982, Feb.2006
WP2 Method Of APM’s Assessment Process
SOME OF EXISTING AND POSSIBBLE ASSOCIATED PROTECTIVE MEASURES Compulsory reporting and traffic surveillance - use of common Baltic Sea monitoring systems - AIS as a natural tool for VTS Routeing systems More than fifteen traffic separation schemes are established and adopted by IMO in eight parts of the Baltic Sea Area. Ship’s Routeing is the organization of traffic flow in or around areas where navigation by all ships or certain classes of ships is dangerous or undesirable / IMO Resolution A.572(14) / Pilotage Pilotage services are established locally by the port States and are normally compulsory for ships over certain sizes. Escort and escorting tugs - considered to be introduced to to avoid groundings Areas to be avoided - areas of the Baltic Sea focusing on the special protection requirements of certain marine species and their individual marine environment (e.g.: wintering or moulting areas for seabirds or important reproduction and nursery grounds for marine mammals )
Traffic density – Southern Baltic Through the area between the Bornholm Island and Polish coast approximately ships equipped with AIS are passing yearly The main destinations of eastbound vessels in transit include the ports situated in the Gulf of Gdańsk (32%), Klaipeda and Liepaja (20%) and Russian ports in the Kaliningrad region (19%). Approximately 8500 vessels pass yearly between Western Baltic ports or entrances to the Baltic Sea and ports in the Gulf of Gdańsk, passing along central Polish coasts. Tankers represent 17% of all traffic in that area including VLCCs up to maximum accommodated draught on the Baltic (15 metres or 15.3 metres in fresh water). Some 8% of vessels have a draught of 8 metres and more. Source: Maritime Office Gdynia, Cpt. B. Rojek
Source: HELCOM MARITIME 4/2005
SOME FACTS AND ANALYSIS International shipping is under constantly growing pressure to minimise the impact of accidents and operations on the marine and coastal environment - oil spills, -- - collisions and grounding, - waste discharges, - anchor damage, - ship generated noise, etc. One large spill can disrupt sea and shore life over many miles and years.
llegal oil discharges in the central part of Baltic Sea (
Risk for oil spills for bay of Gdańsk- summer/winter Maritime Institute in Gdańsk’ analysis SUMMER WINTER
Routeing measures traffic separation schemes and routes aim to encourage ships to follow routes where vessels are less likely to collide with each other, run ashore or get into difficulties. aim to reduce the scope for a disaster if the ship does fet into difficulty and direct ships away from areas where pollution would be highly damaging.
NEW ROUTEING MEASURES (PRELIMINARY) IN THE SOUTHERN BALTIC SEA At 51 st Session of the NAV Sub-Committee, the Governments of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden submitted a joint proposal to approve the new traffic separation schemes Bornholmsgat and North of Rügen, the amendment to the traffic separation scheme South of Gedser, the recommended deep-water route Eastern Baltic Sea and the new areas to be avoided at Norra Midsjöbanken and Hoburgs Bank (NAV 51/3/6). The proposed routeing measures will enter into force at 0000 hours UTC on 1 July 2006 after adoption by the 24th Assembly in Resolution A.977(24). Advanced plans of the Government of Poland were introduced, comprising additional new routeing measures in the southern Baltic Sea including a recommended deep-water route “D” in the Southern Baltic.
Current traffic separation schemes “Gulf of Gdańsk” Ships operating on routes to the Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdańsk make over passages yearly, not including the local traffic of small vessels, fishing boats and leisure crafts. More then of above are chemical tankers, gas tankers, oil tankers with VLCCs up to maximum accommodated draught on the Baltic. Routing measures in the Gulf of Gdańsk consist of existing two traffic separation schemes established and announced in Polish Notices to Mariners in 1980, revised and amended with Inshore Traffic Zones in TSSs are within responsibility of the Vessel Traffic Services “Gulf of Gdańsk” established on 1 May 2003, acting as a coastal VTS and MAS, operated according IMO Resolution A.857(20) and IMO Resolution A.950(23) respectively. Mandatory reporting system under local VTS Regulations is in force in VTS Area.
Basic conclusions Further protective mesures are necessary to eliminate and reduce shipping related impacts The intesity of pollution increases due to insufficient information exchange system, lack of equipment or lack of clear emergency procedures. PSSA and APM’s can signifficantly contribute to a sustainable policy and management regime. They can help to create a strong integrated marine spatial planning tool for reducing shipping impact There is the need to improve the education and training of seamen before the background that 8 out of 10 accidents are due to human failure (IMO’s information) Measures decided on the level of EU, IMO and HELCOM will not have the desired effect if they are not implemented and uniformly enforced at the different levels by all Baltic States
Contacts Mrs Urszula Kowalczyk Maritime Institute in Gdansk Head of Economics and Law Department Baltic Master WP2 Leader Jakub Piotrowicz Maritime Institute in Gdansk Baltic Master WP2 Manager