Federal IT Project Manager Agency Management Guidance Levels & Organizational Responsibilities for Projects Reported to OMB IT Project Manager Requirements based on IT system complexity Employee assigned to IT project has been validated, validated with exception, or is in the process of being validated. Agency is responsible for validating project manager level and training Level of Complexity for Projects Reported to OMB LEVEL 3 Lead large, inter-governmental or Government-wide complex, high risk/complexity IT project (E-Gov or President’s Mgmt Agenda initiative, mission critical function, or high interest project ). LEVEL 2 Manage projects with high complexity and/or risk that are critical to the mission of the organization.. LEVEL 1 Manage a project within a division, bureau or agency. Low-to-moderate complexity and risk. Federal CIO Council Workforce and Human Capital for IT Committee - Establishes guidelines for specific training & education requirements -Identifies sources to acquire training and education Project Management Team Member Staff or team member on an IT project; works on confined areas of IT projects (e.g., contracting, budget, IA, etc). Agency/Organization Ensures team members are trained/skilled in area of responsibility.
Federal/DoD Crosswalk LEVEL 1: Projects with low-to-moderate complexity and risk. Example: Bureau-level project such as a stand-alone information system that has low- to-moderate complexity and risk LEVEL 2: Projects with high complexity and/or risk which are critical to the mission of the organization. Example: Projects that are part of a portfolio of projects/ systems that impact each other and/or impact mission activities. Department-wide projects that impact cross-organizational missions, such as an agency-wide system integration LEVEL 3: Projects that have high complexity, and/or risk, and have government- wide impact. Example: Government-wide initiative, e.g. E-GOV, President’s Management Agenda; High interest projects with Congress, GAO, OMB, or the general public; Cross-cutting initiative, e.g., Homeland Security FEDERALDAWIA/DAU LEVEL II ( ACAT Level 3 or below): Program Office staff officer, branch chief or project leader; Acquisition command program mgmt, Engineering, test acquisition logistics, and financial or resource mgmt staff. GS 9-12 LEVEL III: PEO, PM or project manager or DPM or deputy project manager. GS 13 and above Level I corresponds to a team member on the Federal side and is not affected by the Federal PM initiative. IRMC CIO CERTIFICATE Advanced Management Program (AMP) IT Project Management Certificate
Checklist for Review of IT PM Credentials for Exhibit 300s Are IT budget initiatives correctly categorized as Level 1, 2, or 3? Is each individual PM’s experience/training adequately described? Is each individual’s experience accurately categorized as Level 1, 2, or 3? Was correct validation category applied— –Validated –Validate with exception (but considered qualified) –Progress toward