Welcome to RAMA2012, LM3, R = Ryan Casey A = Ashley Arthur M =Maureen Robertson A = Ashley Cox Image: Lynch, (n.d.).
Image: Stander, 2011.
This movement-based system activates and integrates the brain and body by: 1. Enhancing learning ability and academic performance 2. Balancing emotion and behaviour 3. Improving physical coordination and sports performance and 4.Developing an overall state of wellness and momentum in any area of life
When to apply brain gym?
Drinking water hydrates students and helps re- focus brain activity. Image: Nestle Waters, “When thirsty, students’ mental performance including memory, attention and concentration can decrease by about 10 per cent. Students concentrate better when they are not distracted by the effects of dehydration such as thirst, tiredness and irritability. Drinking water can also aid behaviour management by helping to settle students in the classroom” (Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence, (n.d.).) Drinking water regularly helps students to attain knowledge longer, become re-focused and to have better concentration. DOL 1: Help students experience a sense of comfort and order. DOL 2: Help students to acquire and integrate knowledge.
Assists learning and retention of information. Image: abcteach blog, “As eighty percent of the brain receives information visually, children learn and retain information longer when colour is used in educational material and in the classroom. Colour stimulates the visual sense and encourages the retention of information” (Kivi, 2012). DOL 1: Perceive tasks as valuable and interesting. DOL 2: Acquire and integrate knowledge. DOL 5: Generate new ways of viewing a situation that are outside the boundaries of standard conventions. Using colour helps the brain learn more effectively and to retain information for longer.
DOL 1: Brain gym activities help establish a focused classroom climate; help students to feel a sense of comfort and order; provide positive classroom management to help manage behavioural issues; and can be practised by any student no matter what abilities they may or may not have. Brain Gym activities can help re-focus students when they become distracted or rowdy. “Teachers around the world use Brain Gym processes and movements to help their students make immediate, positive changes in learning and behaviour” (Brown, 2012). Refocus distracted students and settle restless students. Image: Ojo Images, (n.d.).
Brain Gym activities can help re-focus students when they become ‘bored’ or tired. Refocus ‘bored’ or tired students. DOL 5: Maintain an open mind, Restrain impulsivity, Push the limits of your knowledge and abilities, Evaluate the effectiveness of your actions. Image: Mohit Joshi, “Brain Gym is a system that uses simple movements to stimulate brain function. That is, it uses quick, easy-to-do developmental movements to wake up the brain without stress or injury” (Koester, 2012).
SUMMARY Image: Altman, 2011.
Now you now the facts Image: Obrochta, 2011.
References abcteach blog. [image]. (2012). abcteach’s Paper Roll Pals. Retrieved from blog. [image]. (2012). abcteach’s Paper Roll Pals. Retrieved from Altman, R. [image]. (2011). Right Brain vs. Left Brain Business. Retrieved from left-brain-business/Altman, R. [image]. (2011). Right Brain vs. Left Brain Business. Retrieved from left-brain-business/ Brown, K. (2012). Brain Gym in Education. Retrieved from K. (2012). Brain Gym in Education. Retrieved from Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence (ERIC). (n.d.). How does drinking water improve learning? Retrieved from and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence (ERIC). (n.d.). How does drinking water improve learning? Retrieved from Kivi, R. (2012). Colour Encourages Learning. Retrieved from learning.htmlKivi, R. (2012). Colour Encourages Learning. Retrieved from learning.html Koester, C. (2012). Have you heard of Brain Gym? Retrieved from C. (2012). Have you heard of Brain Gym? Retrieved from Lynch, D. [image]. (n.d.). The Five Dimensions of Learning. Retrieved from D. [image]. (n.d.). The Five Dimensions of Learning. Retrieved from Mohit Joshi. [image]. (2011). Computer games making Brit kids fall asleep in school. Retrieved from Joshi. [image]. (2011). Computer games making Brit kids fall asleep in school. Retrieved from Nestle Waters. [image]. (2009). How to encourage your kids to drink water. Retrieved from waters.com/news/how-to-encourage-your-kids-to-drink-water htmlNestle Waters. [image]. (2009). How to encourage your kids to drink water. Retrieved from waters.com/news/how-to-encourage-your-kids-to-drink-water html Obrochta, D. [image]. (2011). Brain Gym Exercises. Retrieved from D. [image]. (2011). Brain Gym Exercises. Retrieved from Ojo Images. [image]. (n.d.). Students in class whispering. Retrieved from Images. [image]. (n.d.). Students in class whispering. Retrieved from Stander, L. [image]. (2011). Brain Gym’s Disingenuous response to being caught out. Retrieved from L. [image]. (2011). Brain Gym’s Disingenuous response to being caught out. Retrieved from