Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server Leverage Your Information Simon Conant MCSE Technical Product Manager Microsoft GmbH
Why SharePoint Portal Server?
The flexible total portal solution that lets you easily find, share, and publish information Leverages the valuable information created in your Office documents What is SharePoint Portal Server?
Does some similar things to SPTS - but differently SPTS focus is on teams SPS is an Enterprise-wide solution SPS can be used to bring together diverse SPTS implementations What’s the difference between SPS, and SPTS?
SharePoint Team Services vs Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server SharePoint Team Services Positioning Statement SharePoint is a team web site solution that allows groups to easily manage activities and work together effectively. Target Customer: Primarily small teams & ad-hoc groups looking for a way to effectively manage activities via the web. Applies to teams in any size business and to non-business groups Target Purchaser Departmental IT managers ISPs, SMORG end-user (via ISPs) Design points Rich, easy to deploy collaborative web sites Tightly integrated with Microsoft Office Compare it to:, PlanetIntra, QuickPlace Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server Positioning Statement SPPS is the flexible portal solution that you easily find, share and publish information (within business units and across enterprises) Target Customer: Groups and enterprises looking to harness content from across the organization Target Purchaser Business Unit IT managers Enterprise IT managers Business Decision Makers Design points Mainstream portals, enterprise search and document management Integration with the existing desktop of Microsoft Windows, the browser and Microsoft Office Compare it to: Lotus: K-Station+Discovery Server+Domino.doc; Open Text LiveLink
SharePoint Team Services vs Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server Differentiation Team collaborative web sites Easy document sharing and team organization Available for intranets & for extranets via ISPs Customized using Microsoft FrontPage Differentiation Departmental/enterprise information portals Enterprise search Rich document management functionality Customized with Digital Dashboard Web Parts Based on Web Storage System for custom collaboration solutions Extensible with Visual Studio and common programming interfaces such as OLEDB, ADO, and CDO Relative Positioning SharePoint Team Services gives users the ability create and contribute to team and project-focused Web sites (connects individuals with team information); SharePoint Portal Server gives organizations the ability to search and index information across the organization including SharePoint team web sites (connects team information to the organization).
Portal Host Search & Index Document Management What is SharePoint Portal Server?
From your Office application Using your PC Explorer Web Folders Using Internet Explorer Portal Custom Applications How do I use SharePoint Portal Server?
Portal Host Search & Index Document Management What is SharePoint Portal Server?
Your personal, customisable gateway to your document management & searching Using IE, a Digital Dashboard with Web Parts What is a “Portal”, anyway?
Customizable Home Page RichSearch CategoryBrowsing Subscriptions Web-basedDM Portal
Portal Host Search & Index Document Management What is SharePoint Portal Server?
Index External Sources Remote SPS and/or SPTS Servers File Servers Exchange PF Web Sites Lotus Notes Other data sources Custom Protocol Handler What’s so great about Indexing?
Full-Text Same as Index Server Office Documents (.doc,.xls,.ppt…) Text RTF HTML TIFF – OCR built-in And anything else with an iFilter E.g. Corel, Adobe What exactly gets indexed?
Search them! Full-text search Documents in Local Workspaces External Sources (Indexes) What do I do with these indexes?
Accurate Search Results Best-of-Breed relevence matching “Best Bets” Word breaking & Stemming Automatic language detection Meaningful results with metadata Subscriptions – the search comes to you! Via the Portal or Subscribe to documents, folders, categories, search results MS Search
New probabilistic ranking algorithm Attribute weighting Customisable thesaurus Accent folding New (fast) wordbreaker support for English, French, Spanish Multi-language support En, De, Fr, It, Es, Nl, Se, Far East (Japanese, Simp / Trad Chinese, Thai, Korean) MS Search
Portal Host Search & Index Document Management What is SharePoint Portal Server?
Central Storage Webstore Robust, high-performance, highly-integratable storage inherited from Exchange Workspace One, or up to fifteen (recommended maximum ten), separate “data areas” per server Two servers with one workspace more or less the same as one server with two workspaces How does the Document Management work?
Categorisation Easy browsing Categories are a way to describe your data, organise independent of folder structure Automatic categorisation for imported data Category Assistant – learns as you import Efficient Support Vector Machine algorithm from MS Research Sorting, searching, browsing by category How does the Document Management work?
Profiling Required “description” (metadata) How does the Document Management work?
Check In / Out, Publish, Discuss How does the Document Management work?
Versioning Full automatic; draft, full versions, version pruning How does the Document Management work?
Approval Routing Serial Parallel / Any Parallel / All How does the Document Management work?
Approval Definition How does the Document Management work?
A server can be: A Complete SPS Solution server Including Documents (local), Portal & Search, and Indexing A Document-only Server A Portal/Search-only Server An Index-only Server Scalability
Basic configuration Single SPS server Stores & manages documents Indexes external sources Hosts Portal & Searching Scalability
Offload Indexing Document & Portal Server Stores & manages documents Hosts Portal & Searching Index Server Indexes external & SPS sources Scalability
Scaled configuration Document server Stores & manages documents Index Server Indexes external & SPS sources Portal Server Hosts Portal & Searching Scalability
With SPTS Using SPS to “link” multiple SPTS Teams Scalability – with SPTS
Role-based security Simplified & clear, leverages NT / Win2K Security Management & Security
iFilters For proprietary document formats e.g. Adobe, Corel… Custom Protocol Handlers Other Data Sources Customise Search Front-End SQL, XML, HTTP, ADO SDK Management & Security
Does not require Active Directory Does not require Exchange Server: Windows 2000 SP1, IIS 5.0 PIII Processor (600 MHz+) 256 Mb RAM minimum 550 Mb HD, plus 2* anticipated document storage - minimum Requirements
Client (full): Pentium Processor 200 MHz+ 64 Mb RAM minimum 50 Mb HD (30 for Win2K Professional) IE 5.0+; OL Express 5.01 Win98, NT4 SP6a, Win Me, Win2K Office XP, or Office 2000 (plus SPS client software), for Office-integrated features Browser-accesible-only features: IE 4.01+, Netscape Communicator 4.75 on any Windows OS Requirements
/sharepoint /germany/servers/sharepoint SPTS - Office XP Presentations Further Information
Weitere Informationen Download der TCM-Vorträge TechNet Broschüre zum Mitnehmen Infos zu CD-Jahresabo und Veranstaltungen CD-ROM mit aktuellen TechNet-Vorträgen Roadshow zum Launch von Office XP (2. – 29. Mai) Bücher zum Thema Live Workshop Windows 2000 Migration CeBIT Halle 2 (OG), Raum Wien
The flexible total portal solution that lets you easily find, share, and publish your information