REAL ESTATE DMS In Infocrew Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
How does a Real Estate Firm Work? All of them keep a constant watch on the market and connect with each other if required to take the right decision at the right time REAL ESTATE MANAGER OWNER OF THE PROPERTY OTHER REAL ESTATE AGENTS
Problems Faced by Real Estate Managers Time wasted in searching the documents Time wasted in searching the right contact Unable to take the correct decision instantly Lack of efficiency Heavy loss as somebody else takes the call 2.Clients approach other agents 3.Negative word of mouth
What is DMS ? A Document Management System (DMS) is a set of computer programs which is used to store, manage and track the electronic documents and electronic images of paper based documents captured through the use of a document scanner. A Document Management System is a holistic system which is designed from the ground up to assist the entire organization by managing the creation of data, storage, retrieval and expiry of information stored as documents. A Document management system allows full integration of all files in a related project and acts as a single platform that manages the documents involved, providing the tools needed for electronic storage, sharing and retrieval of all documentation and paperwork. Implementing DMS solves most of the problems
v2docs is our Complete Document and Content Management Application Software in two variants as – 1) PCM-Personal Content Management and 2) ECM-Enterprise Content Management It facilitates document management in organizations across all the verticals in handling any form and type of physical document and converting it into electronic format. It provides electronic document management solution for enterprise use as well as personal use. With v2docs all your documents are saved as valuable information for a life time. Join Hands with us to make the environment “Green” by eliminating the use of paper. v2docs - DMS
Benefits of v2docs DMS in Real Estate Industry Helps in taking Quicker and Better Decisions Improves Efficiency Property Records can be searched instantly along with mapping, images from anywhere Up to date contacts maintained systematically Keeps the office clutter free Better customer service, which means more profit D M S
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