KOBIforum.org Project Presentation 01/08/07
why we choose this topic? increasing role of SMEs in the Turkish economy like in the global economy - SMEs - form 99.8 % of total enterprises - form 76.7 % of total employment - create 26.5 % of total added value - make 38 % of capital investment in Turkey
why we choose this topic? scarcity of communication platforms for SMEs - classical platforms: - local chambers - natonal associations like TOBB - have geographical constraints
why we choose this topic? expected increase of IT penetration among Turkish SMEs - increase in technology awareness - new commercial law - goverments commitment
Value Proposition Construct an online community SMEs will be able to communicate with each other. Interactive Environment Members SMEs Customers Entities that are in business relations with SMEs
Revenue Model Advertising Revenue Model Revenue model can be revised according to the succes in the future. Subscription fee Transaction fee Affiliate Revenue Model
Market Oppurtunity SME targeted ads are on TV. Banks target them through newspaper and Tvs. (Akbank) Low ratio of internet usage among SMEs. website percentage of daily visito rs (glob al) traffic ranking in the world average page view per visito r online sin ce smallbusinessfo rums.org (mostly used in the USA) % Mar smallbusinessbri ef.com (mostly used in the USA) % Oct ukbusinessforu ms.co.uk (mostly used in the Britain) % Feb businessforum. net (mostly used in India) % Jan
Competitive Environment No direct competitor in Turkey Many similar sites Most of them operated by banks Most ads belong to parent companies website percenta ge of daily visitors (global) traffic ranking in Turkey average page view per visitor online since kobi.org.tr (TOBB) % NA kobifinans.c om (Finansban k) %NA1.1 6-Jan- 04 kobigaranti. com (Garanti) % Aug- 05 kobikent.co m % Oct-04 kobiline.co m (YapıKredi and Microsoft) % May- 01 kobinet.org.tr (KOSGEB) %91386NA kobiturkiye. com %NA Jan-03 TEBkobitv.c om (TEB) % NA turkbusines scenter.co m % Apr-04
Competetive Advantage Interactive nature Similar sites with read-only material First mover advantage Easy to remember Relavant to the subject Sticky
Business Schematics Affiliates Ad Givers KOBIforum.org Member $ i O $ i i $ O $ O $ O i $ i i Customers Firm of interest Members/Visitors O i $ Flow of services/goods Flow of money Flow of information
Market Strategy Goal: To attract adgivers (banks, IT companies, B2B companies) Creating a brand awareness Internet and newspaper advertisements Expressing the independent & interactive nature of KobiForum.org Paper – based personal invitations 3rd party banner space sellers until certain reputation
Organizational Structure Yasin Ünal Accounting Finance
Organizational Structure Aydın Tarakçı Marketing Customer Relations
Organizational Structure IT Department 1 employee Forum Administrator Knowledge over SMEs Computer Skills
Management Team Yasin and Aydın Two Senior Koc Students We will execute final decisions
Exit Strategy Before buying the domain name We will stop the iniative with no money spent After buying the domain name Stop marketing expenses Stop acquiring new members Fulfill the required amount of time until the paid services end
why a forum? its interactive nature easy to use
about website as attractive as possible UseBB customized configuration and user interface possible to see the content without registration requirement to register to participate tight administration of topics