In partners create a definition of “technology”. Let’s share
What is Technology? Technology is the creation of tools or objects that both extend our natural abilities and alter our social environment -- From The Nature of Technology Which technological advancement has been the most significant?
Johanne Gutenburg Created the printing press in 1450 Books become accessible & affordable New ideas circulate in the writtern word Martin Luther used the printing press to his advantage in the 1500s when he challenged church doctrine starting off what has come to be known as the Reformation (8:39) ‘A&E Biography of the Millennium Part 25, 1-Epilogue’.
Technology vs Individual & Social Change Traditional theory is that change begins with the individual person Traditional theory is that change begins with the individual person Technological Determinism argues that social change is initiated by technology Technological Determinism argues that social change is initiated by technology New technologies, once invented, take on “a life of their own” and force society to adapt to changes New technologies, once invented, take on “a life of their own” and force society to adapt to changes
Psycho-Social impacts of Technology 1. Alvin Toffler describe this idea as “future shock” or the “dizzying disorientation brought on by the premature arrival of the future” 2. Society has grown so dependent on technology that when it doesn’t work we feel tremendous anxiety (Weil and Rosen) 3. Addictive use of the internet can lead to social isolation, increased depression, academic failure, financial debt of job loss (Kimberly Young)
FOR DISCUSSION Our current dependence on technology, while it enhances our lives in many respects, is decidedly negative. It degrades social interaction, leads to the loss of important skills, and causes the social, emotional and physical pollution of our environment. What are your thoughts? Take 5 minutes and write down your thoughts before we discuss this as a class…
Read summary on Ursula Franklin and her thoughts on technology. Pay attention to the following terms – be sure you understand them: ▫Prescriptive technologies ▫Holistic technologies ▫Pseudorealities