To Do Critically review and comment on each goal Develop three to five transformational strategies under each goal and identify the resources required to implement each strategy Generate a list of questions you have about international education and global engagement as a strategic priority for RIT. What are you wondering/questioning about this particular dimension of the strategic plan?
Working Mission Rochester Institute of Technology prepares students to thrive as innovators, thinkers, and doers in the shifting careers of a global knowledge economy. Educated at the intersections of technology and the arts, imagination and application, rigor and curiosity, RIT prepares its graduates to be the preferred candidates for a wide variety of far- sighted employers and graduate schools whose requirements include depth, breadth, practical experience, and technological expertise.
Working Vision Through a dynamic educational model that blends learning, doing, imagining, creating, and partnering within a student-centric culture, we will prepare our students to excel in those careers in which depth, versatility, ingenuity, and collegiality are prized.
Strategic Dimensions & Task Force Names Student Success Global Engagement and International Education Research and Graduate Education Curricular Innovation and Creativity Diversity Organizational Agility
Schedule 1.Task Forces constituted February 24-March 4 2.Progress-to-date reports to SCMarch Co-Chairs meet with President’s RoundtableMarch 20 4.Progress reports to TrusteesMarch 10 5.Goals and Strategies due to SCApril 28 6.Final Task Force Reports due to SCMay 12 7.Community discussion of TF ReportsMay SC synthesizes reports and commentsMay 16-June 15 9.July Trustee meeting focuses on planJuly Steering Committee drafts planJuly14-August Community feedback on draft planSept Strategic Plan finalized by SCSept. 23-Oct Final round of community discussionOct Trustees approve planNovember 13-14
Task Force Membership Distribution Faculty # Senate Reps CAST 51 (+2 invited & declined) CHST 4 CIAS 7 CLA 61 (+ 2 invited & declined) COS 9 GCCIS 6 KGCOE61 (alternate) NTID 81 SCB 68 CMS 1 GIS 2
Task Force Membership Distribution (2) Deans8 VP’s2 Students8 Staff Council (double-counted in divisions) 10 Trustees6 President’s Roundtable7 Alumni Assn. Board of Directors5
Task Force Membership Distribution (3) Academic Affairs11 Community & Govt. Relations2 Development6 Diversity13 Enrollment Mgmnt. & Career Services5 Finance & Administration9 President’s Office2 Student Affairs8
Task Force Charge (General) Each task force will develop a limited set of clearly worded goals that when fully achieved have a high likelihood of realizing at least one facet of the Dimension statement and thus providing progress towards t he achievement of the new vision; a short set of actionable initiatives, or strategies, that will contribute to the realization of each goal.
Task Force Deliverable (for sample purposes only) Organizational Agility: RIT’s curricula, administrative, and organizational structures will serve, not impede, discovery, border-crossing, and collaboration among students, faculty, and staff. We will develop an operational culture in which good ideas find and drive the processes necessary to support them. Goal 1: The January term will be dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation. Strategy Associated Dimensions Implementation Locus Priority (H,M,L) Cost Range Time to Achievement Funding Source 1aSS, CI $$$ = > $5M $$ = $1M-$5M $ = < $1M
Task Force Deliverable (2) 1.Executive Summary: –Driving themes –Discrete or threaded goals? –Anticipated outcomes 2.Rationale for each goal and supporting strategy & how does the goal reinforce the vision? (3.7.14)
Goal #1 100% of RIT students will: a.Develop global knowledge and cultural competency through course work and experiences grounded in the general education curriculum. b.Develop global knowledge and cultural competency through course work and experiences in their chosen field of study. 14
Goal #1: Sub-goals RIT students will be judged “Competent” when assessed on General Education outcomes in Global, Social, Ethical and Artistic perspectives. (Average across class year). 100% of RIT students will have a discipline specific course addressing global and international issues in their career/professional discipline. Every RIT student will have the opportunity to participate in an international education experience focusing on global issues and cultural differences in discipline specific problem solving. –All campus locations and on-line learning 15
Goal #2 RIT will become a distinguished international university by creating a select group of unique academic programs focusing on global professional practice and international expertise. 16
Goal #3 RIT’s international education learning outcomes, and its international reputation, will be materially enhanced by strategically supporting international research partnerships, establishing select programs in emerging international centers of excellence and enabling innovative ways of educating international students. 17
Foundational Elements Global Interconnectivity Essential Program Outcome Academic Program Profile—Required global dimension as part of the university’s program profile Academic Portfolio Blueprint—Required a global dimension in all undergraduate programs and most graduate programs. General Education Framework—Global, Social, Ethical Awareness learning outcomes. Global Education Taskforce —Guiding principles and a framework for strategic internationalization plan. Board of Trustees Education Core Committee— Substantive guidance on strategic goals, questions, and metrics. College level groups—COLA International Education Committee among others 18
Discussion & Next Steps