400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt 400 pt 600 pt 800 pt 1000 pt 200 pt Key Dates Famous People“Wars” NationalismSectionalism
Each involved U.S. territories
All involved efforts by Jefferson and Madison to gain neutral trading rights
All were years in which treaties were negotiated between Great Britain and the USA.
The Second Bank of the US
The years when financial panics hit the US economy
Cyrus McCormick Eli Whitney Robert Fulton
All inventors whose inventions helped spark agricultural development.
Oliver Perry Stephen Decatur Andrew Jackson
All war heroes.
Fletcher McCulloch Gibbons
All names in court cases in which judicial review was used to strike down state laws.
Thomas Jefferson Napolean Bonaparte Toussant L’Overture
All key players in the U.S. opportunity to purchase Louisiana.
Henry Clay Andrew Jackson John Marshall
All put nationalism above sectionalism.
Lake Erie Ft. McHenry New Orleans
All battles of the War of 1812 in which the Americans triumphed.
Barbary Pirates English sailors Seminole Indians
All people who attacked U.S. citizens.
Tippecanoe Thames Horseshoe Bend
All battles fought by US soldiers against Native American resistance during the War of 1812.
Federalists Hartfordites Opponents of Mr. Madison’s War
They could be the same people.
Impressment Runaway slaves Ransom demands
All causes of U.S. decision to go to war.
Henry Clay John Calhoun Daniel Webster
All War Hawks
We have met the enemy and they are ours. Our Country, Right or Wrong Every good citizen makes his country’s honor his own.
Quotes by famous war heroes (Perry, Decatur, Jackson)
Creeks Shawnee Cherokees
Native Americans who sided with the British in the War of 1812
Alexander Hamilton Henry Clay McCulloch v. Maryland
All supported the “implied powers” theory
Benjamin Rush John Quincy Adams James Madison
All nationalist Secretaries of State
Gabriel Proesser Denmark Vessey Nat Turner
All planned or led slave revolts and all were executed for it.
Samuel Slater King Cotton slavery
All contributed to economic sectionalism
famine revolutions America’s reputation
All causes of Irish and German immigration (principally to the North)
strikebreakers legal papers fear of kidnapping
All things pertaining to free blacks in antebellum America
Code of chivalry Peculiar institution White paternalism
All characteristics of Southern antebellum culture