A Conversation With the President
My Beliefs The work that you do is important: For your own reputation and future For students For the College For the future of the College Your efforts have been consistently under funded You have good reason to be frustrated We need to work together to correct our historical challenges
Our Action Plan Every Employee of the College Should: Advocate for the College: Elected officials Potential and current students High school teachers and staff Promote student persistence and success Celebrate success Encourage your colleagues Refuse to give up
Some Challenging Facts The fastest growing economics in the US have a population with at least 25% college educated workers. (Our region has 18% or less) Degree attainment will likely become the most significant accountability component in the future. The economy of the middle and late 21 st century will likely require ˃ 50% of working adults to earn a post-secondary credential. Colleges will need to find ways to help new populations to find college success. Quality instruction is important but is not sufficient alone. These current and future students will need more personal attention from those who teach and guide them.
It takes all of us and all of our efforts to educate those who enroll!