Through-Life Discipleship - Following Christ through the ages and changes of life
Offers funding and support for creative projects in: Christian learning and discipleship The churches’ work in further education RE in schools in the region of the West Midlands
Why ‘through-life discipleship’? ‘As mum to two small boys, I hardly get time to brush my hair in the mornings, let alone pray!’ ‘I thought I was losing my faith – if only someone had told me it was normal to relate to God in different ways as I got older’ ‘I’ve cared for people and served the church all my life – but I feel so useless now I can’t get out and about’. ‘We get plenty of children coming to Junior Church, but why don’t they stay?’
In a nutshell A year-long project Partnering with local churches Exploring what ‘following Christ through the ages and changes of life’ means for local churches and their mission, worship and fellowship To understand how real churches are tackling real questions… and share those insights with others
Why this matters…. ‘let us run the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith’ (Heb 12:1-2) - How do we keep ‘running the race’, through the challenges of each stage of life? ‘neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus’ (Gal 3:28) - Are young and old also ‘one in Christ Jesus’? If so, what difference should that make to our churches?
Why this matters…. ‘When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands’ (Deut 14:29) - God cares about young and old and asks us to do likewise. How do we do that in practice? ‘Grey hair is a crown of glory. It is found on the path of righteousness’ (Prov 16:31); yet ‘unless you are converted and become like children you will not enter the kingdom of heaven’ (Matt 18:3). - What can we learn from young and old about following Christ through the ages and changes of life?
The Big Questions…. How do we persevere as Christians, and help each other ‘run the race’ through everything that life throws at us? What distinctive challenges and opportunities to follow Christ can appear at particular stages of life/turning points in life? How is growing up and growing older changing these days? What do these changes mean for our mission, worship and pastoral care? How do we create churches in which different generations can share with and support each other what they’ve learned on the journey of faith?
This is about… Helping the church be the church better Discovering what ‘through-life discipleship’ realistically means to your church and people at this time Working in partnership to discover what works Sharing some real-life church stories This isn’t about… Ivory-tower research Finding more ‘stuff’ to do for the sake of it Telling you what you should be doing Achieving perfection
And in practice? (some examples) ‘Soul companions’ New congregation emerging from parenting courses Social invitations for newly-marrieds Retirement preparation and discipleship course Teens and older adults learning to pray together Taking stock in Advent A Mother’s Union for working mums Getting a better spread of ages on rotas, PCCs, etc.
How can you take part in this project? Commit to exploring what ‘following Christ through the ages and stages of life’ means to you as a church in 2013 Tell us what you’re already doing with different age groups, life stages and generations Allow us to travel with you as you explore new ‘through-life discipleship’ possibilities (large or small, new initiatives or what you already do) Help us capture your stories so we can share them with like- minded churches
What help and support can we offer you? ‘Through-life discipleship’ resource guide Starter Bible study material A ‘Critical Friend’ Wider contacts and networks Further Practical input, where required Assistance in telling your ‘through-life discipleship’ stories Up to £200 to cover costs of developing projects/materials
What are we hoping to achieve? A body of lived experience, examples and real stories churches can learn from. A clearer of picture of key areas in need of further work to be pursued. Helping churches to be intentionally attentive to and actively supporting Christian discipleship at all ages and stages of life.
Through-Life Discipleship - Following Christ through the ages and changes of life