Department of Management Services MyFloridaMarketPlace oridamarketplace MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) is the State of Florida's award winning eProcurement system. In operation for more than ten years, the system is a source for centralized procurement activities; streamlining interactions between vendors and state government entities and providing tools to support innovative procurement for the State of Florida. Doing Business with the State of Florida
Department of Management Services MyFloridaMarketPlace ace/mfmp_vendors/doing_business_with_the_state_of_florida Register with MyFloridaMarketPlace’s (MFMP) Vendor Information Portal (VIP)Vendor Information Portal (VIP) Search for business opportunities with the state’s free tools Identify the opportunity that suits your business Provide goods and services to the state. Review the consolidated billing invoice (CBI) in your MFMP VIP accountMFMP VIP Review vendor performance ratings in Vendor Performance Tracking (VPT)Vendor Performance Tracking Doing Business with the State of Florida
MFMP Vendors (additional helpful information) ace/mfmp_vendors This page provides information and resources to vendor customers who do business with the State of Florida through MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP). MFMP is the state's online purchasing system that connects state agencies with registered vendors. When you register with MFMP, benefits include:register with MFMP Ability to self-register and maintain your vendor account using the Vendor Information Portal (VIP) Vendor Information Portal Ability to receive notifications of State of Florida business opportunities Online access to business opportunities through MFMP Sourcing and the Vendor Bid System (VBS) MFMP SourcingVendor Bid System Electronic purchase order delivery Faster invoice-to-check cycle time Doing Business with the State of Florida
- Adding Commodity or Service codes allow one to receive notifications for solicitations posted by agencies. -Solicitations are posted here: Vendors can check here any time and see what is posted by agency. -This website is a “less is more” type- best not to be too restrictive with searches. Doing Business with the State of Florida
Upcoming Solicitation for Statewide Surveying & Mapping Contracts START Timeline = 6 months ± -DEP’s Division of State Lands, Bureau of Survey & Mapping currently has statewide contracts which will expire beginning approximately late A new solicitation may begin by the end of 2015, preferably ending with contracts in place prior to July 1, The solicitation will begin with a Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSOQ) involving a Qualifications based procurement process, following the “Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act” per Chapter , Florida Statutes.
RFSOQ Process – from Solicitation to Contract Create Proposed Solicitation Solicitation Written Response EvaluationShortlistProtest? Oral Interview Evaluation Final Selection Protest? Rate Negotiation Insurances Award Contract START Timeline = 6 months ±
Some LBR’s pertinent to remote sensing and surveying : -DEP/Geology: -One-time statewide LiDAR acquisition -DEP/BSM: -Tide station recovery, reconstruction and maintenance -Public Land Survey System Restoration and Perpetuation -Horizontal & Vertical Control Densification Upcoming FDEP Legislative Budget Requests
LiDAR - Local, regional and state agencies have invested $40M in the past decade to acquire this data in a patchwork manner at different resolutions. -Florida is not among the 12 states with full coverage. More than 20% of Florida has inadequate digital elevation coverage. -Florida is among 25 states leveraging USGS 3D Elevation Program dollars for partial acquisition, which may yield a savings > 30%. - Statewide coverage would allow flood risk analysis for > 1.5 million residents and improved sinkhole hazard mitigation. -The legislative budget request includes a one-time statewide acquisition. Upcoming FDEP Legislative Budget Requests: Florida bare-earth topography acquisition
Upcoming FDEP Legislative Budget Requests: Florida bare-earth topography acquisition Geological mapping in Florida is highly dependent on LiDAR data. For instance, when prospecting for sinkholes or sinkhole prone areas, the LiDAR coverages help us locate and target sinkholes and swallets. This is also helpful in laying out the sampling sites for dye traces between swallets and springs and mapping potential underground flow paths. We would like to use multiple runs of LiDAR, perhaps 10 years apart, to locate new sinkhole features that would have occurred (and not been repaired) during that time in between.
Upcoming FDEP Legislative Budget Requests: Florida bare-earth topography acquisition
Some LBR’s pertinent to remote sensing and surveying : -DEP/Geology: -One-time statewide LiDAR acquisition -DEP/BSM: -Tide station recovery, reconstruction and maintenance -Public Land Survey System Restoration and Perpetuation -Horizontal & Vertical Control Densification Upcoming FDEP Legislative Budget Requests
LBR: Tide Station recovery, reconstruction, and maintenance (also a RESTORE Act proposal item for northern Gulf)
Published, Unpublished, At-Risk Stations
Other stations…
High order level lines since 1970 (2200+ lines)
RESTORE Act Proposal: Proposed 1 st Order level line – Alabama - St. Pete
The SFWMD has begun using a TRIMBLE UX5 owned and operated by the Florida Atlantic University FAU Geosciences Geospatial facilities for remote canal inspections, land use and cover verification and field quality assurance as well as information gathering during flood events. On the Horizon – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
FDEP is in the initial stages of working with the Southeast Coral Conservation office to launch a pilot project for using a UAV to inspect newly identified patches of Elkhorn coral, a threatened and endangered species. By collecting and analyzing imagery collected by the UAV quarterly, staff would better understand the growth and stressors on these new coral patches On the Horizon – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle