imagine The Whole-life Discipleship Making Church
imagine The Whole-life Discipleship Making Church
The Whole-life Discipleship Making Church
imagine The Whole-life Discipleship Making Church The Whole-life Disciple......ship Making Church
"one who believes His doctrines, rests upon His sacrifice, imbibes His spirit, and imitates His example." Farrar imagine The Whole-life Discipleship Making Church
Rabbis and Disciples imagine The Whole-life Discipleship Making Church
-How much are we consumers of the church and how much are we disciples in the world? -Along with consumerism, what other trends and pervasive themes are going on in the world that we are to be Christian disciples in? imagine The Whole-life Discipleship Making Church
-How can we be inciting love and good works? -How do we already make disciples well and what can we do more? imagine The Whole-life Discipleship Making Church