The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 …
Heb 10:19-27 The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Privileges” vv “Since we have…” [NASV] “Having…” [KJV, NKJV] The “Privileges” vv “Since we have…” [NASV] “Having…” [KJV, NKJV]
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Privileges” vv ) Confidence to enter the holy place vv “Holy Place” = heaven itself 9:24 Made possible by the blood of Jesus A “new & living way” (not with dead bodies) With His own blood 9:11-12 Through the veil…His flesh Jn 14:6 1 Jn 2:2 (only 1 entrance into the “holy place”) The “Privileges” vv ) Confidence to enter the holy place vv “Holy Place” = heaven itself 9:24 Made possible by the blood of Jesus A “new & living way” (not with dead bodies) With His own blood 9:11-12 Through the veil…His flesh Jn 14:6 1 Jn 2:2 (only 1 entrance into the “holy place”)
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Privileges” vv ) Confidence to enter the holy place vv A way He “inaugurated” (opened up) for us To make a way not there previously cp. 2:10 This “confidence” = free, open w/o restrictions Contrast to the “restricted” O.T. system of approaching the holy place 1 day a yr Lev 16 Approachable any time Heb 4:14, 16 The “Privileges” vv ) Confidence to enter the holy place vv A way He “inaugurated” (opened up) for us To make a way not there previously cp. 2:10 This “confidence” = free, open w/o restrictions Contrast to the “restricted” O.T. system of approaching the holy place 1 day a yr Lev 16 Approachable any time Heb 4:14, 16
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Privileges” vv ) A great High Priest over God’s house v. 21 Priest = a mediator between God & man 1 Tim 2:5 Heb 8:6 9:15 12:24 Jesus = the perfect High Priest 4:15 Numerous references to His priesthood (21) House of God = His people…the church 3:1-6 1 Pet 2:5 The “Privileges” vv ) A great High Priest over God’s house v. 21 Priest = a mediator between God & man 1 Tim 2:5 Heb 8:6 9:15 12:24 Jesus = the perfect High Priest 4:15 Numerous references to His priesthood (21) House of God = His people…the church 3:1-6 1 Pet 2:5
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Privileges” vv ) A great High Priest over God’s house v. 21 Because of His presence in the Most Holy Place as our High Priest, He is able to mediate for us continually 7:25 The “Privileges” vv ) A great High Priest over God’s house v. 21 Because of His presence in the Most Holy Place as our High Priest, He is able to mediate for us continually 7:25
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Privileges” vv “Since we have…” [NASV] “Having…” [KJV, NKJV] The “Responsibilities” vv “Let us…” [KJV, NKJV, NASV] The “Privileges” vv “Since we have…” [NASV] “Having…” [KJV, NKJV] The “Responsibilities” vv “Let us…” [KJV, NKJV, NASV]
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Draw near to God v. 22 An exhortation to get close to God To approach God, seek His favor Jas 4:8 With a “sincere heart in full assurance of faith” Not a ritualistic attitude A heart full of gratitude for what He has done for us in Christ The “Responsibilities” vv ) Draw near to God v. 22 An exhortation to get close to God To approach God, seek His favor Jas 4:8 With a “sincere heart in full assurance of faith” Not a ritualistic attitude A heart full of gratitude for what He has done for us in Christ
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Draw near to God v. 22 An exhortation to get close to God To approach God, seek His favor Jas 4:8 With a “sincere heart in full assurance of faith” Remember…it is the “pure in heart” who will see God Psa 24:3-4 Mt 5:6 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Draw near to God v. 22 An exhortation to get close to God To approach God, seek His favor Jas 4:8 With a “sincere heart in full assurance of faith” Remember…it is the “pure in heart” who will see God Psa 24:3-4 Mt 5:6
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Draw near to God v. 22 How does one do this? “Having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience” cp. 9:13-14 “Having our bodies washed with pure water” cp. Acts 22:16 1 Pet 3:21 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Draw near to God v. 22 How does one do this? “Having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience” cp. 9:13-14 “Having our bodies washed with pure water” cp. Acts 22:16 1 Pet 3:21 An INDIVIDUAL responsibility
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Hold fast the confession of our hope v. 23 Saints hope in the God who saved them despite the unbelieving world in which they live Therefore, we must “hold fast” such hope Done “…without wavering” No doubts…absolute trust in Him The “Responsibilities” vv ) Hold fast the confession of our hope v. 23 Saints hope in the God who saved them despite the unbelieving world in which they live Therefore, we must “hold fast” such hope Done “…without wavering” No doubts…absolute trust in Him
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Hold fast the confession of our hope v. 23 Why? “…He who promised is faithful” cp. 6:17-18 Rom 4:13, The “Responsibilities” vv ) Hold fast the confession of our hope v. 23 Why? “…He who promised is faithful” cp. 6:17-18 Rom 4:13, An INDIVIDUAL responsibility
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Stimulate (provoke) other saints vv One is able to keep hope sure & unwavering if he has help from others doing the same “To spur on, incite to something good or bad” How is this accomplished? The “Responsibilities” vv ) Stimulate (provoke) other saints vv One is able to keep hope sure & unwavering if he has help from others doing the same “To spur on, incite to something good or bad” How is this accomplished?
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Stimulate (provoke) other saints vv How is this accomplished? Not by forsaking our assembling together “To abandon or desert; to leave behind” Some were already doing so Ù (habit, manner) You’ll never “stimulate” (encourage) any brother by willful absence from a worship assembly The “Responsibilities” vv ) Stimulate (provoke) other saints vv How is this accomplished? Not by forsaking our assembling together “To abandon or desert; to leave behind” Some were already doing so Ù (habit, manner) You’ll never “stimulate” (encourage) any brother by willful absence from a worship assembly
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Stimulate (provoke) other saints vv How is this accomplished? By “encouraging one another” Assemblies do this 1 Cor 11:17, 33 14:26 It is how we may “consider one another” We teach each other in song We eat a spiritual meal together The “Responsibilities” vv ) Stimulate (provoke) other saints vv How is this accomplished? By “encouraging one another” Assemblies do this 1 Cor 11:17, 33 14:26 It is how we may “consider one another” We teach each other in song We eat a spiritual meal together
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Stimulate (provoke) other saints vv Notice the added exhortation to do so v. 25c “And so much more as you see the day approaching” Positive reinforcement Ù be with brethren Negative reinforcement Ù judgment day 9:28 10:37 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Stimulate (provoke) other saints vv Notice the added exhortation to do so v. 25c “And so much more as you see the day approaching” Positive reinforcement Ù be with brethren Negative reinforcement Ù judgment day 9:28 10:37
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Stimulate (provoke) other saints vv The Christian does everything with a view towards “the day” & eternity that follows 2 Cor 5:9-11 The “Responsibilities” vv ) Stimulate (provoke) other saints vv The Christian does everything with a view towards “the day” & eternity that follows 2 Cor 5:9-11 A COLLECTIVE responsibility
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 Some Closing Comments… Undeserved “Privileges” we really have no right to expect Honorable “Responsibilities” we are blessed to be a part of These can only be found in Jesus Christ, His kingdom Some Closing Comments… Undeserved “Privileges” we really have no right to expect Honorable “Responsibilities” we are blessed to be a part of These can only be found in Jesus Christ, His kingdom
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 Some Closing Comments… One more point to consider vv The author mentions the consequences of not meeting our “Responsibilities” Failing = “willful” (deliberate) sin Consequences won’t just be lost “Privileges” Consequences will be a “…certain terrifying expectation of judgment” Some Closing Comments… One more point to consider vv The author mentions the consequences of not meeting our “Responsibilities” Failing = “willful” (deliberate) sin Consequences won’t just be lost “Privileges” Consequences will be a “…certain terrifying expectation of judgment”
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 Some Closing Comments… “Privileges” will be lost if “Responsibilities” are not taken seriously If anyone doubts, ask a parent How are disobedient children treated? What makes us think our Father will do any different? Some Closing Comments… “Privileges” will be lost if “Responsibilities” are not taken seriously If anyone doubts, ask a parent How are disobedient children treated? What makes us think our Father will do any different?
The Privileges & Responsibilities Of Discipleship Heb 10:19-27 …