TEAM #9 MEMBERS Ryan Gerst Jared Glatz Kate Gilland Figure 1 (above): Stages of SMED Improvement Figure 2 (left): Reduction of Changeover time at each Stage IE 436 Six Sigma Methodology2/25/14 D C B A
Developed by Shigeo Shingo in the early 1960s through consulting with Toyota Originally developed to improve die press and machine tool set-ups Applies to changeovers in all types of process today Single-minute exchange of die (SMED) implies changeovers should take less than 10 minutes (single- digit minute)
FIGURE 5: CONCEPTUAL STAGES OF SMED IMPROVEMENT STAGE 2 Separate internal and external setup actions STAGE 3 Convert internal setup actions to external actions STAGE 4 Streamlining all aspects of the set-up operation STAGE 1 Observe current methodology Ensure external setup actions performed while machine is running
In order to save valuable time changing tires on the car, the team carries out all external events while the driver is racing Every team member knows his specific job and carries it out along with the other team members
Using SMED allows the team to change tires and refuel the racecar in the minimum possible time Limitations of using Changeover Reduction/SMED: Potential reduction in efficiency when adding new member who doesn’t fully understand role Costly when adding too many members to changeover process Potential limitation of work space when adding too many member
5 S methodology: Sort/Set in order – put all tools and personnel in order Shine – make sure tools and new tires are in good working condition Standardize/Sustain – make every pit stop the same, so that it will be as short as possible
Figure 1: Minute_Exchange_of_Die Minute_Exchange_of_Die Figure 2: Figure 3: cost-benefit-of-smed/ cost-benefit-of-smed/ Figure 4: eight=550&width=700 eight=550&width=700 Figure 5: show=html show=html History: Minute_Exchange_of_Die Minute_Exchange_of_Die A good way to spend 30 minutes going further on this topic is to read A Revolution in Manufacturing the SMED System by Shigeo Shingo