Lesson 10: Burns Emergency Reference Guide p
Objectives Define types of burn injuries Define & demonstrate proper management of superficial, partial thickness & full thickness burns Describe situations that require evacuation Identify ways to prevent burns
Types of Burns Heat: –Fires –Boiling water –Steam –Hot pot –Melting substances, such as plastic –Others?
Types of Burns (cont’d.) Chemical: –Pesticides –Chemical fuels –Battery acid –Others?
Chemical Burn
Types of Burns (cont’d.) Electrical: –Electrical current –Lightning Radiation: –Sun –Nuclear
Electrical Burns
Frostbite (burn from cold)
Preventing Burns What steps can be taken to Prevent burns Heat? –Cook in designated areas & limit access –Position stove so there is easy escape route –Never use open flame in tent –Use caution around campfire
Preventing Burns (cont’d.) Chemical: –Follow label directions for safe use Electrical: –Take precautions to avoid lightning Radiation: –Use sunscreen –Wear UV blocking clothing –Extra precautions needed for high altitude & near water/snow
Depth of Burns
Degree of Burn (1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd )
Checking & Caring for Burns STOP the Burning! –Remove source of the burning –Cool affected area Be suspicious of airway complications when: –Burns are to face/neck –Soot is in the mouth/nose –Singed facial hair –Dry cough that accompanies a burn
Stop the Burn How do you stop the Burning? Heat: –Remove from heat source –Smother flames –Flush with large amounts of water Electrical: –Turn off electricity –Flush with large amounts of water
Stop the Burn (cont’d.) Chemical: –Remove Chemical (brush off, if dry chemical) –Flush with large amounts of water Radiation: –Get out of direct Sun –Flush with water
Checking Burns Specific care depends upon the source & depth of the burn Signs and Symptoms: –Superficial Skin is red & painful Possible swelling –Partial Thickness Skin is red, painful, swollen Blisters may take an hour to form
Checking Burns (cont’d.) Full thickness: –Skin is painless (in area of full thickness burn) –Skin is pale and stiff, if caused by scolding –Skin is charred, if caused by fire
Burn Percentage “Rule of Palmar Surface” or “Rule of 9’s” for estimating coverage of burn Palm of individuals hand = 1% of body surface Rule of Nines: –Torso front = 18% –Torso back = 18% –Each arm = 9% –Each leg = 18% –Head = 9%
Rule of Nine’s
Caring for Burns In case of major electrical burn (i.e. lightning) care for cardiac or respiratory problems first After assessment & removal of burn source: –Expose burn fully (do not remove melted clothing) –Cool or flood with cold water for at least 20 min. –Gently wash burn to remove any dirt –Leave blisters intact –Remove jewelry, if possible –Dress minor burn with thin layer of antibiotic If not available, leave burn alone
Caring for Burns (cont’d.) Cover burn with gauze pad or thin roll of gauze Do not pack burns with ice Elevate burned extremities to minimize swelling. Swelling slows healing Encourage patient to gently move burned area Treat for shock & hypothermia
Caring for Burns (cont’d.) Manage airway Re-dress burn twice daily: –Remove by soaking dressing with water, if needed –Re-wash wound to remove old ointment –Apply clean covering Redressing/examination will likely be painful. If evacuation is imminent, leave burn alone
Guidelines for Evacuation GO FAST: –Trouble breathing –Partial/full thickness covers 10% or more –Partial/full thickness wraps around a body part –Serious burns to head/face/neck/hands/feet/genitals –Full thickness on > 5% of body –Chemical burns –Partial/full thickness for child/elderly patient Level of pain good indicator of necessity of evacuation
Scenario A 16 yr old is sitting at a table with boiling water. Pot spills into her lap. She is screaming in pain. You see a scalding burn that is white & skin is sloughing off. Burns are covering the top of both thighs & her right arm from elbow to wrist. What do you do?
Questions??? What else could you add to your First Aid Kit?