ISO/IEC JTC 1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A) JTC 1 SWG-A N 205 2006-09-18 Document Type:Presentation Title:IT Accessibility Standardization.


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Presentation transcript:

ISO/IEC JTC 1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A) JTC 1 SWG-A N Document Type:Presentation Title:IT Accessibility Standardization in Japan Status Report to the September 2006 SWG-A Meeting Source:Mr. Makoto Yoshida, Standardization Office of Information Technology, METI RequestedFor consideration at the September 2006 SWG-A Action:meeting. JTC 1 SWG on Accessibility Secretariat ITI/INCITS 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC

IT Accessibility Standardization in Japan Status Report YOSHIDA, Makoto Standardization Office of Information Technology, METI

IT accessibility JIS (Japanese Insdustrial Standards) JIS X Information-processing Devices JIS X Web Content JIS X Telecommunications Devices JIS X Office Equipment JIS Z8071 Guidelines for standards developers to address the needs of the elderly and disabled (ISO/IEC guide71) JIS X Information Communications Equipment, Software and Services Part1: Common Guidelines Basic Guidelines Group Standards Product-specific Standards

② Group Standards (Sectorial Guides) ③ Product-specific Standards JIS S 0011 Marking Tactile Dots on Consumer Products JIS S 0012 Usability of Consumer Products JIS S 0013 Auditory Signals on Consumer Products JIS S 0014 Auditory Signals on Consumer Products – Sound Pressure Levels of Signals for the Elderly and in Noisy Conditions JIS S 0021 Packaging and Receptacles JIS S 0022 Packaging and Receptacles Test Methods for Opening JIS S 0023 Guidelines for Designing Clothes in Consideration of the Elderly JIS S 0024 Housing Equipment ① Basic Standards (ISO Guide 71) JIS Z 8071 Guidelines for Standardization JIS S 0025 Packaging and Receptacles - Tactile Warning of Danger – Requirements JIS S 0031 Visual Signs and Displays – Specification of Age - related Relative Luminance and Its Use in Assessment of Light JIS S 0032 Visual Signs and Displays – Estimation of Minimum Legible Size for a Japanese Single Character JIS X 6310 Prepaid Cards – General Specifications JIS X Information Communications Equipment, Software and Services Part1: Common Guidelines JIS X Part2: Information-processing Devices JIS X Part3: Web Content JIS X Part4: Telecommunications Devices JIS X Part5: Office Equipment Current status of accessibility-related JIS standardization in Japan

Effect of JIS  The Industrial Standardization Law encourages, but does not force, Japanese companies to observe accessibility standards in their procurement activities.  After establishment, normalization has progressed fast.

International Standardization in JAPAN  Japan proposed Common IT accessibility guidelines (ISO/DIS )  Japan proposed telecommunications devices accessibility guideline to ITU-T  PT was organized at JSA (Japan Standards Association) and JBMIA (Japan Business Machine Industry Association) to propose PC accessibility standard and accessibility setting standard  PT was organized at JBMIA to propose office equipment accessibility standard  Active participation W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)  Feedback to improve JIS standards

Other Accessibility Standardization Activities  Standards of Auditory Signals for Consumer Products- Sound Pressure Levels of Signals for Elderly and Noisy Conditions is under research and being developed by AIST  Japan-Korea-China Accessibility Design Committee planned - the themes are Marking Tactile Dots on Consumer Products, packaging,etc  Accessible Design Forum planned- More than 20 organizations from such as users, manufacturers, and academia concerned with Accessibility Design

Contact Information YOSHIDA, Makoto Standardization Office of Information Technology, METI : Japanese Industrial Standardization Committee Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry