Celebrating Liturgy With Children
When you hear the word LITURGY what do you think? When you hear the word LITURGY what do you think? What is your experience of Liturgy? What is your experience of Liturgy? As a child? Now? As a child? Now?
Sacrosanctum Concilium ( 1963) Promulgated by the Second Vatican Council says that Promulgated by the Second Vatican Council says that “ Liturgy is thus the outstanding means by which the faithful can express in their lives, and manifest to others, the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true Church.” (SC 2).
Originally a Greek term, letourgia, meant service done for the common good, whether of a political, religious, or pragmatic nature. Any service performed for the sake of others would have been considered liturgy. In time, however, the word “liturgy” came to be used in an exclusively religious sense, and took on Christian usage as well.
Post Vatican II a new emphasis for liturgy emerged. Liturgy was not to be understood as primarily self serving but outwardly directed. When people go to public worship they do it for the community gathered as much as they do for themselves. This communal worship becomes the activity which identifies and shapes those who gather.
In the Roman Catholic Church today “liturgy” would include celebrations of the seven sacraments, Liturgy of The Hours, Eucharistic worship outside Mass, rites of profession, blessings, and the rituals of the Order of Christian Funerals.
“ Liturgy is both Word and Action.” Upton, J. (1994)
Liturgy involves Universal and Communal symbols Water is a universal symbol, communicating death, life, re-birth and cleansing; used in its fullest expression at Baptism. Water is a universal symbol, communicating death, life, re-birth and cleansing; used in its fullest expression at Baptism. The crucifix is a communal symbol. To the believing community it is a powerful symbol- worn, venerated, covered, carried and sometimes decked in flowers. The crucifix is a communal symbol. To the believing community it is a powerful symbol- worn, venerated, covered, carried and sometimes decked in flowers.
Liturgy is Prayer Enabling the community as a whole, and individual members as well, to deepen their relationship with God. This relationship is nurtured by private prayer, but expresses itself most eloquently in times of public celebration. Enabling the community as a whole, and individual members as well, to deepen their relationship with God. This relationship is nurtured by private prayer, but expresses itself most eloquently in times of public celebration.
Liturgy is Seasonal Through the cycle of feasts and seasons the Church recalls the story of salvation and offers us the opportunity to savour again and again the stories and mysteries of the Christian tradition that then in turn supports us as we journey through our own cycles of life. Through the cycle of feasts and seasons the Church recalls the story of salvation and offers us the opportunity to savour again and again the stories and mysteries of the Christian tradition that then in turn supports us as we journey through our own cycles of life.
“The Nature of Liturgy” by B. Gasslein Read through article independently and then as a group. Read through article independently and then as a group. Complete Think Pad Activity. Complete Think Pad Activity.
The Christian Sacramental System. The liturgy of the Eucharist is a sacramental experience-”it is a sign which reveals God to human beings.” The liturgy of the Eucharist is a sacramental experience-”it is a sign which reveals God to human beings.” The religious dimension of life cannot be divorced from the rest of one’s life- life is a unity. The religious dimension of life cannot be divorced from the rest of one’s life- life is a unity. As children grow in their awareness of God’s saving presence in the world around them the liturgy will become more accessible to them. As children grow in their awareness of God’s saving presence in the world around them the liturgy will become more accessible to them.
Liturgical Space Liturgical space is very important. Liturgical space is very important. The space for worship needs to draw the children into ritual. The space for worship needs to draw the children into ritual. Simplicity should prevail. Simplicity should prevail. Avoid overloading the sacred space with redundant symbols. Avoid overloading the sacred space with redundant symbols.
The Fundamental Christian Mystery. We need to speak of Jesus as being the fullness of God’s self-communication. We need to speak of Jesus as being the fullness of God’s self-communication. “The word became flesh and made his dwelling amongst us.” (John 1:14). “The word became flesh and made his dwelling amongst us.” (John 1:14). The whole of Jesus' ministry was, his preaching and his mighty works, was directed towards the kingdom of God. The whole of Jesus' ministry was, his preaching and his mighty works, was directed towards the kingdom of God. Liturgy must relate to life. Liturgy must relate to life. The ordinary events of life can be interpreted against the backdrop of the life of Jesus and his ministry. The ordinary events of life can be interpreted against the backdrop of the life of Jesus and his ministry.
The Fundamental Christian Mystery. The liturgy is thus able to inform the life experiences of the children. The liturgy is thus able to inform the life experiences of the children. The quality of the school and parish is crucial. The quality of the school and parish is crucial. The liturgy is the community’s celebration of the community’s involvement in the mission and ministry of Jesus. The liturgy is the community’s celebration of the community’s involvement in the mission and ministry of Jesus.
The Directory for Masses with Children provides us with some very sound principles for the celebration of liturgy with children. “ A fully Christian life cannot be conceived without participation in the liturgical services in which the faithful, gathered into a single assembly, celebrate the paschal mystery. Therefore, the religious initiation must be in harmony with this purpose.” (n.8) “ All Eucharistic and liturgical formation should be directed toward a greater and greater response to the Gospel in the daily life of the children.” (n15).
Children and Music The Directory for Masses with Children says that attention must be given to the music capability of the children. The Directory for Masses with Children says that attention must be given to the music capability of the children. Music must always be seen be seen as an aid to the liturgy and not a distraction. Music must always be seen be seen as an aid to the liturgy and not a distraction. Liturgy should never be seen as a concert performance. Liturgy should never be seen as a concert performance. Music encourages full and active participation of those present. Music encourages full and active participation of those present.
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Liturgical Understandings. Rocket Writing. Rocket Writing. Write freely for 5 mins recording your understandings about liturgy and how liturgy contributes to our understanding of Revelation. Write freely for 5 mins recording your understandings about liturgy and how liturgy contributes to our understanding of Revelation. Think/Pair/share your understandings