Presentation by Mr. Swanand Dhondse – CEO – Swanand International
Ecology is the scientific study of the relations that living organisms have with respect to each other & their natural environment Ecology & Business have very close relationships, in fact Business Activities have great impact on Ecology
Establishment of Business Operating of Business Closing of Business
A. Location of Business Land Reservations 1. CRZ Regulation 2. Eco-sensitive Zones 3. Forest Lands 4. Water Bodies 5. Access to Natural Resources
B. Activities Allowed Manufacturing – Process ? Storage ? Material Handling ? Packing & Packaging ?
B. Licensing Authorities for Establishment of Business Pollution Control Boards Ministry of Environment Maritime Board Local authorities – Municipalities, State Government, Gram Panchayats
D. Precautions to be taken for establishment of business activities Details study about Reservations & Permissions – Best Document = Industrial Location Policies Consent to establish Environmental Hearing NOC’s from concerns
1. Air Pollutions - Remedies – Controlling Equipments – Use of better fuels & Processes 2. Water Pollutions - Remedies – CETP – ETP’s 3. Noise Pollutions - Remedies – Sound proof factories – Insulations
4. Pollutions while transport 5. Disbursements of Solid & Liquid wastes 6. Disbursements of Bio- Logical Wastes 7. Disbursement of Radio Active wastes
Disbursement of scraps & remaining Reusing Industrial Lands Security of abundant industrial units
1. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industries 2. Power Projects 3. Led Batteries Industry 4. Tanneries 5. Nuclear Industry 6. Radio Active Industries 7. Casting & Forging units 8. Fireworks industry 9. Dyes & Color Chem Industry
Kyoto Proto Call Carbon Credits Carbon Exchange Business – an opportunities to India Case Studies to be studied – Bhopal Gas Tragedy - Chernobyl Disaster - Oil rigs fires during Iraq 2