董晓怡 (PKU) 吴学兵、张彦霞 (NAOC) 、艾艳丽(中山大学)、 杨锦怡、王飞格、杨倩、王澍、 张晨、胥恒、黄文卓、岳明昊、姜沣洋 2015.7.9.


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Presentation transcript:

董晓怡 (PKU) 吴学兵、张彦霞 (NAOC) 、艾艳丽(中山大学)、 杨锦怡、王飞格、杨倩、王澍、 张晨、胥恒、黄文卓、岳明昊、姜沣洋

 QSO and candidate selections  DR2 QSO and redshift visual inspection  Emission-line measurements

Credit: C.M. Urry & P. Padovani  QSO properties  Rapid-time variability  High luminosity  Non-thermal radiation  Highly compact radiation region  QSO engine – SMBH accretion gas via accretion disk  The unified model  Importance  Mapping BH growth  Tracking galaxy evolution  Probing intergalactic medium

 Point-sources in SDSS DR9 and i mag <20  Optical-infrared color-color selections  SDSS/UKIDSS: Y-K>0.46(g-z)+0.82 or J-K>0.45(i-Y-0.366) (Wu& Jia 2010)  SDSS/WISE: w1-w2>0.57 or z-w1>0.66(g-z)+2.01 (Wu et al. 2012)  Data-mining selections  Support vector machine (SVM) classifiers (Peng et al. 2012)  Extreme deconvolution method (XDQSO, Bovy et al.2011)  Kernel density estimator (KDE, Richards et al. 2009)

 Pipeline QSO: ▪ 2852/1241 SDSS DR12 ▪ 29 nqso, 8 BAL, 84 w/o z  Pipeline UNKNOWN: ▪ 5987/1439 DR12(1279 qso). ▪ 1581 qso (27 BAL)/891 DR12 ▪ 83 Starburst /43 DR12  Pipeline QSO others: ▪ 1005/311 DR12. ▪ 8 nqso, 5 BAL, 18 w/o z  5401 QSOs (695 Huo)  2958 new (504 Huo)

 z visual / z pipeline :  µ=0.023dex, σ=0.15, median=0.0  z SDSS /z pipeline :  µ=0.016dex, σ=0.15, median=7.7e-5

 CIV (1549): z>1.58  MgII (2796/2803): 0.4<z<1.76  Hβ (4861): z<0.75  Hα (6563): z<0.3

 Sample: 685 out of 2823 pipeline QSO reported in Shen et al  Spectral measurements:  LA: applying codes to LAMOST spectra  SH: Shen et al. results  SA: applying codes to SDSS spectra

z<0.3, [6000,6250],[6800,7000] [NII]6548/6584, [SII]6717/6731, narrow Hα, FWHM < 1200km/s Broad Hα, 1-4 Gaussians, FWHM > 1200 km/s

Z=0.285 LA: km/s; 1200 km/s SH: km/s; km/s SA: km/s; km/s

z<0.75,[4435,4700],[5100,5535] [OIII]4959/5007: 2 components for each Narrow Hβ: 1 Gaussian Broad Hβ: 4 Gaussian

LA: km/s; km/s SH: km/s; km/s SA: km/s; km/s Double peaks? LAMOST z=0.354, SDSS z=0.352

z=0.69 LA: km/s; km/s; SH: km/s; km/s; SA: km/s; km/s;

 MgII 2796,2803  0.4<z<1.76,[2000,2700],[290 0,3090]  Two narrow components + two broad components  Continuum + FeII

 z>1.58, [1445,1465],[1700,1705]  One narrow components  One broad components  Continuum

 L1350, FWHM CIV  L3000, FWHM MgII  L5100, FWHM Hβ Ai et al. 2015

 2454 new QSOs, z<4  dex difference between LAMOST and Shen et al  0.1 dex difference comparing with Shen et al (same data set, different methods)  0.1 dex difference because of the low SNR.  Should improve after visual inspection.  Calibrate flux with broad-band photometric data  Estimate black hole masses

 Redshift  FWHM, rest-frame EW for broad Hα, narrow Hα, [NII]6584, [SII]6717/6731  FWHM, rest-frame EW for broad Hβ, narrow Hβ, [OIII]4959,5007  FWHM, rest-frame EW for MgII  FWHM, rest-frame EW for CIV  Continuum luminosity at 5100, 3000, 1350Å  Virial BH masses  Flag for interesting objects