1. Press the New Layer Button 3. Double click names to re-name Ball & Shadow layers 2. Click to change to 12 fps Step 1
1. Oval Tool 2. Choose your Fill and Stroke colors for your bouncing ball 3. Choose your Stroke Width Step 2
Step 3 2. Press and hold Shift while clicking and dragging to create a perfect circle. 1. Make sure you have the Ball layer selected before you create your circle.
Step 4 1. Use the selection tool and click+drag to select the entire circle
Step 5 1. Right click the selected ball. 2. Click “Convert to Symbol...” Note: A symbol is a reusable image, animation, graphic, movie clip, sound file, font or button that resides in the library.
Step 6 1. Name the Symbol “SYM_Ball” Note: You want to start using indicators like “SYM” for symbol so that it’s easier to search for Symbols within Flash. Note: Use underscores “_” instead of spaces when naming; some features of Flash won’t work with spaces in names. 2. Make sure the Type is set to “Movie Clip” and that the Registration is set in the middle. (The little black square) The new symbol will have a blue box surrounding it when it’s selected. 3. Press OK
Step 7 1. Now select the “Shadow” layer 1. Select the Oval tool again.
Step 8 1. Choose a Black Fill 2. You can select no stroke by clicking the square with the red line through it.
Step 9 1. Draw a shadow below the ball. 2. Right Click and select “Convert to Symbol…”
Step Copy these settings for the Shadow symbol
Step Make sure you have the shadow selected in your workspace. Alpha 2. Look at the properties tab on the right side of the screen. 3. Go to the “Color Effect” menu and select Style: “Alpha”
Step 12 In computer graphics “Alpha” is the quality of Opacity, it’s used in every digital arts program. At 100% Alpha the shadow is completely opaque - not able to bee seen through - Set the Alpha to 20% so that the shadow is now transparent – able to bee seen through – We will be animating the Alpha so that the shadow gets darker as the ball falls.
Step Select the first frame on the “Shadow” layer timeline. 2. Press F5 12 times to create 13 total frames. Note: These 13 frames don’t have any animation yet, we just want to make sure that the Shadow is visible when we start animating the Ball.
Step Click the dot below the Lock icon on the Shadow Layer. Locking Layers in Flash is important so that you don’t accidently move something in the wrong layer. 1. Your scene should look something like this, but your ball and shadow may be different colors or sized slightly differently.
Step Add 12 more Frames in the Ball layer using F5 just like in the Shadow layer.
Step Select the 7 th frame on the ball timeline. Note: This number tells you which frame you have selected. 2. Press F6 once to change the frame into a “Key Frame”
Step Select the 13 th frame and press F6 once to change the 13 th frame into a “Key Frame”
Step 18 Note: “Key Frames” are the points in the animation in which something changes. You can consider them the “Extremes” of the movement. We’re eventually going to tell Flash to fill in the frames in-between each of the Key Frames so that we only have to worry about the big movements. Ball’s starting point. The highest point in this air Ball hitting the ground Ball’s highest point in the air again.
Step 19 1.Keep the middle key frame selected. 2. Hold the Shift key and drag the ball straight down to the middle of the shadow Note: The if you hold the Shift key while moving objects in Flash, Photoshop, and Illustrator, they will move perfectly straight.
Step Right click the first frame of the Ball animation and select “Create Classic Tween” Note: You can see the “Classic Tween” is working if the frames have turned light purple, and there is a arrow going through all of them.
Step Right Click on the middle key frame and create another “Classic Tween” Your frames should now look like the frames below.
Step In the Control menu, make sure “Loop Playback” has a check mark next to it. If you have your timeline selected and press Enter your animation will automatically play in the editor. You can’t edit anything while it’s playing, so you have to press Enter again to stop it.
Step Select the first frame in the Ball layer. 2. Looking in the Properties menu on the right side of the screen. Click the pencil under the “TWEENING” sub-menu.
Step 24 This is the custom Ease in/Ease Out window. 1. Un-Check the box “Use one setting for all properties.” 2. Make sure it’s set to the Property: Position
Step 25 Because we have the first key frame selected(slide 23), this chart shows the movement of the ball in those frames
Step This point is the Ball’s Position in the first frame. When the ball starts the fall. 1. Because we selected the Position property 3. This point is the Ball’s Position in the 7 th Frame. When the ball hits the ground.
Step 27 This line shows the journey the ball takes between the first and 7 th Frame
Step The right side of the graph shows the % of the distance the ball is at from the 1 st and 7 th frames. 2. The 4 th frame is directly between the 1 st and the 7 th frames, and the ball is traveling at an even speed, so it is half-way between it’s starting Position, and the Position it hits the ground.
Step If you click the point at the 1 st frame it will reveal a little handle you can use to adjust the curve of the line. Tiny handle
Step Click and drag the handle to bend the curve
Step Select the end point, and move it’s handle the same way.
Step 32 The ball will now begin moving slowly, and gain acceleration as it falls. Now the ball won’t hit the half-way point (50%) until between the 6 th and 7 th Frames. Increasing Acceleration
Step 33 Now press OK and then test out your animation. Feel free to come back and adjust the curve as you like.
Step Only the first part of the animation has the acceleration we want, so lets select the middle frame to edit the movement of the ball after it hits the ground. 2. Then click the pencil in the TWEENING sub-menu inside the Properties tab.
Step Unclick the box 2. Now make the curve match closely to what I have below.
Step 36 We want this type of curve, because when the ball hits the ground it’s going to bounce back very quickly, but as it continues through the air it’s going to decrease in acceleration before it starts falling back to the ground. Decreasing Acceleration
Step 37 Now press OK and then test out your animation. Feel free to come back and adjust the curve as you like.
Step We’re going to have the ball squish when it hits the ground, to do so we have to select the middle frame, the moment the ball hits the ground. 2. Select the Free Transform Tool (Q) 3. The ball should now have a little square with handles surrounding it.
Step Grab the top handle and hold the Alt or Option key and squish the top of the ball down. 2. The ball looks smaller, we only want it to look squished, so we’re going to pull the side handle to make it a little bigger. Note: Don’t hold the option key for this one.
Step If you test your animation, you’ll notice a problem. The ball starts to squish long before it hits the ground. Will fix this with the Ease in/Ease out pan curve again. 2. Select the first frame again. 3. Click on the pencil in the TWEENING sub-menu again.
Step Switch the property tab to “Scale” Assignment: 1.Adjust the curve so that the ball doesn’t start to change it’s Scale (Squish) until just before it hits the ground in the 7 th frame. 2.Don’t forget that there’s a second part of the animation, after the ball hits the ground and flies back up into the air. Fix the squishing animation for those frames too!
Step 42 Assignment 3. Remember the Shadow of the ball? Animate the shadow so that it scales smaller as the ball gets closer to the ground. EXTRA CREDIT: Animate the Alpha of the shadow so that it gets darker as the ball gets closer to the ground.