Grade Seven Unit Seven. 1. amiss (adj) faulty, imperfect, not as it should be (adv)in a mistaken or improper way, wrongly syn: (adj/adv) awry ant: (adv)


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Presentation transcript:

Grade Seven Unit Seven

1. amiss (adj) faulty, imperfect, not as it should be (adv)in a mistaken or improper way, wrongly syn: (adj/adv) awry ant: (adv) properly Ex. Something was amiss and made the man suspicious.

2. brawl (n) a noisy quarrel or fight (v) to quarrel or fight noisily syn: (n) scuffle, donnybrook (v) spar, scrap Ex. The cats brawling in the alley could be heard in every apartment.

3. detest (v) to hate, dislike very much; loathe syn: despise, abhor ant: relish, love, admire, esteem Ex. I used to detest onions, but now I put them in most dishes I make.

4. domestic (adj) native to a country, not foreign; relating to the life or affairs of a household (n) a household servant syn: (adj) household, native (n) servant ant: (adj) foreign, alien Ex. The electric bill and gas bill are domestic affairs.

5. flagrant (adj) extremely bad, glaring; scandalous, notorious syn: blatant, gross, outrageous ant: petty, piddling, trifling, inconsequential Ex. The flagrant behavior of the politician caused him to be impeached.

6. flaw (n) a slight fault, defect, crack syn: imperfection, blemish ant: faultlessness, perfection Ex. The diamond had a flaw which caused it to decrease in value.

7. fledgling (n) an inexperienced person, beginner; a young bird about to leave the nest (adj) inexperienced, budding syn: (n) novice, tyro, neophyte ant: (n) pro, expert, veteran Ex. Since he was a fledgling performer, he felt many butterflies before his first performance.

8. fluster (v) to make or become confused, agitated, or nervous (n) a state of confusion or agitation syn: (v) agitate, rattle, disconcert ant: (v) reassure, soothe, quiet Ex. When too many questions were asked too quickly, the shy person became flustered.

9. foremost (adj) chief, most important, primary; (adv) in the first place syn: (adj) leading, principal, paramount ant: (adj) hindmost, last, secondary Ex. Because he is the foremost authority in medical research, his opinion is respected.

10. momentum (n) the force or speed with which something moves syn: drive, thrust, impetus Ex. Each good grade gave her more momentum and soon her grade was an A.

11. notable (adj) striking, remarkable (n) a person who is well known, distinguished, or outstanding in some way syn: (adj) noteworthy, impressive ant: (adj) undistinguished, unremarkable (n) unknown Ex. Achieving highest honors is a notable achievement.

12. nurture (v) to bring up, care for, train, nourish (n) rearing, training, upbringing syn: (v) raise, rear, foster ant: neglect, ignore, discourage, hinder Ex. An abandoned kitten must be nurtured.

13. paradox (n) a self-contradictory statement that on close examination proves true; a person or thing with seemingly contradictory qualities syn: riddle, enigma, anomaly, absurdity Ex. The statement “America is free” is a paradox.

14. perjury (n) the act of swearing to a lie syn: false witness Ex. She committed perjury. She assured her parents that she did not take the money when in actuality she did.

15.presume (v) to take for granted, assume, or suppose; to dare, take upon oneself, take liberties syn: surmise, trespass, infringe Ex. The boy presumed that he would make the team since he was on it last year.

16. prior (adj) earlier, former syn: previous, anterior ant: subsequent, later, ensuing, following Ex. Since I had a prior commitment, I could not go to the party.

17. proficient (adj) skilled, expert, or capable in any field or activity syn: competent, adept, able ant: incompetent, inept, unskilled, ignorant Ex. I am a proficient musician who has performed for years.

18. salvo (n) a burst of gunfire or cannon shot, often as a tribute or salute; a sudden burst of anything; a spirited, verbal attack syn: barrage, volley Ex. The twenty-one gun salute served as a salvo for the fallen soldiers.

19. vigilant (adj) wide-awake, alert, watchful syn: attentive, on one’s toes ant: sleepy, inattentive, unobservant Ex. The editor was vigilant; no mistakes appeared in the composition.

20. wrath (n) intense anger syn: rage, fury, ire, choler, indignation ant: favor, approval, pleasure, blessing Ex. The principal’s wrath ended with a suspension for the misbehaving student.