The Canadian Seed Trade Association An Update for The Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada June 29, 2011
About the CSTA 129 member companies with very diverse interests Active Members (voting)101 Associate Members17 Affiliate Members11
Membership Overview 52% of CSTA’s active members are small companies Class A Class B
CSTA Mission Statement To Foster Seed Industry Innovation and Trade Key Strategic Goals 1.Unrestricted trade of seed around the world 2.Increased investment in innovation 3.An efficient, flexible, science based regulatory system 4.A larger, skilled talent pool 5.Increased perception of and support for the value of agriculture and innovation
Brief Overview of Activities and Accomplishments 1.Open Trade International low level presence policy Regional/international standards for phytosanitary certificates – including for re- export Tariff removal in bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations Quick response and resolution of border issues
Brief Overview of Activities and Accomplishments 2.Increased Investment in Innovation Certified seed sales surveys and statistics Plant Breeders’ Rights amendments Investment and research funding projects Certified seed tax incentive Levies and end point royalties Partners in Innovation
Brief Overview of Activities and Accomplishments 3.Efficient, Flexible, Science Based Regulations Government continues to publicly support science 3-Part variety registration system Placement of crops in the system Varietal blend regulations re: identification and advertising Alternate delivery of CFIA field inspection – pilot project Review of seed certification system – CSTA policy
Brief Overview of Activities and Accomplishments 4.Expanded Talent Pool A Career in Seeds Dr. Harvey Study – we need 600 new employees every year University Career Fairs Campus ambassadors GrowCanada ® future influencers Job posting service Professional Development FuSE with ASTA Canadian Seed Management Academy PD Sessions at Semi-Annual Meetings
Brief Overview of Activities and Accomplishments 5.Stakeholder/Public Perception GrowCanada® partnership focussing on youth and education “We Have a Plan” Powerpoint presentation Booklet used with Members of Parliament Basis of proposal to GrowCanada partners to expand to a much larger campaign – a new website for farmers – linked to banner ads,
Of Specific Interest to CSAAC Members Weed Seeds Order Amendments 1.Oppose proposal to apply Class 2 (primary noxious) to all Grade Tables Must continue to exempt tables XIV and XV (turf mixtures and ground cover) Losses of up to 2.75 million to turf seed industry because seed would no longer be marketable (couch grass, cleavers)
Weed Seeds Order Amendments 2.Concerns with proposed placement of some species a)Alopecurus myosuroides (Slender Foxtail) – proposed for Class 1 - Prohibited Noxious Does not meet criteria – exists in some areas of Manitoba CSTA proposes Class 2 – Primary Noxious
Weed Seeds Order Amendments b)Galium species (Celavers and warty bedstraw) – proposed for Class 2 – Primary Noxious Do not meet criteria – are widespread and can be chemically controlled CSTA proposes Class 3 – Secondary Noxious
Weed Seeds Order Amendments b)Bromus species (Cheat, Japanese and Downy Brome) – Proposed for Class 3 – Secondary Noxious Well established weeds with little impact on seed establishment or quality Allowed in the U.S. at between 0.5% and 2% Should remain outside the WSO
Of Specific Interest to CSAAC Members Low Level Presence Presence in small amounts, of a GM event that is approved in one or more countries, but not in the country of import LLP in shipments destined for food, feed or further processing (grain) is being addressed separately from LLP in shipments for environmental release (seed) CSTA advocates a risk based assessment and management system using current quality standards Gaining support domestically and internationally
Of Specific Interest to CSAAC Members Value Chain Roundtable on Seed Consultative mechanism for the seed value chain – replaces the National Forum on Seed Administered and funded by Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada Some suggested issues for VCRT: Seed Sector ReviewLow Level Presence Variety de-registrationGrade Table review Propose one seat on the VCRT for CSAAC First meeting proposed for early October
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