Different Liquids R. BackR. Back G. MickG. Mick K. PlushK. Plush
Purpose Do different types of liquids affect the plants more than water?Do different types of liquids affect the plants more than water?
Hypothesis The plant that was watered with pop will die, and the plants that were watered with milk and water will grow the same.The plant that was watered with pop will die, and the plants that were watered with milk and water will grow the same.
Materials 3 bean plants 3 Styrofoam cups potting soil 1 nail 3 bowls 3 recording sheets folder pen p pencil op m milk w water r ruler
Procedure 1.Gather all materials. 2.Fill each Styrofoam cup ½ full with potting soil. 3.Place a bean plant’s roots into each cup and continue to add soil until the cup is almost full. 4. Pack soil lightly with your fingers 5.Poke a nail through the bottom sides of each cup 4 times to allow drainage. 6.Label one cup A, label one B, and label one cup C. Then you label one cup “pop”, label one cup “milk”, and label one cup “water.”
Procedure 7.Put a bowl under each cup to allow drainage. 8.Measure the starting heights of each plant in centimeters and record on a data sheet. 9.Water each plant on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as labeled on the cup with ¼ cup of corresponding liquid. 10.Measure the height of each plant in centimeters Mondays for 4 weeks, and record this height on the data sheet.
Variables and Controls Type of Liquids.Type of Liquids. Same sunny windowSame sunny window Same soil typeSame soil type Same amount of liquidSame amount of liquid Same amount of soilSame amount of soil Same kind of plantSame kind of plant
Results The plant that received water grew 8 cm. That was the tallest plant in our group. Both plants that received pop and milk for watering grew 4 cm. These plants grew the smallest in our group.
Conclusion We learned that plants need water instead of pop and milk because water helps plants grow strong and healthy.We learned that plants need water instead of pop and milk because water helps plants grow strong and healthy. This refutes our hypothesis.This refutes our hypothesis.