KNOWLEDGE/UNDERSTANDING – READING AND UNDERSTANDING ACADEMIC ARTICLES: Read through the flowing 2 academic articles on the topic of ‘The Criminal Mind’ – Sivit, Margaret. (2012). The Criminal Mind. The Triple Helix. Spring 2012, p Journal.pdf Journal.pdf Hagerty, Barbara, B. (2010). A Neuroscientist Uncovers a Dark Secret. NPR. June 29,
K/U SUCCESS CRITERIA: As you read through the articles, you must summarize and extract the important information that each article offers. Your summary should not recount the entire article. Rather, it should be an explanation of the arguments, perspectives and theories described by the authors. To help your understanding of the article, write out any words or phrases that you do not understand or are not familiar with. Find the definition/understanding of those terms and include them in your write up for this section. Your answers in the section do not have to be in formal essay format, but it must be written in proper sentence and paragraph form. Make sure to use formal social science language in your answers.
THINKING/INQUIRY – IDENTIFYING VARIOUS PERSPECTIVES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CASE STUDIES: As a class, we will learn, discuss and analyze the following cases related to the issue of ‘Mental Illness and Criminal Responsibility’: CBC News. ‘Kachkar not criminally responsible in officer's snowplow death’. Mar 27, criminally-responsible-in-officer-s-snowplow-death criminally-responsible-in-officer-s-snowplow-death CBC News. ‘Greyhound bus killer gets supervised outings from hospital’. May 17, bus-killer-gets-supervised-outings-from-hospital bus-killer-gets-supervised-outings-from-hospital CBC DOC ZONE. ‘NCR: Not Criminally Responsible’. Thursday, October 17, responsible responsible
T/I SUCCESS CRITERIA: The task for this section is to create a concept map using information from all of the 3 cases listed above. Your concept map must include information from all 3 cases related to the following institutions/persons. For each of the categories listed below, you must also extract 2/3 different perspectives: Society Victim and Family Individual with Mental Illness Legal Medical Government
CONCEPT MAPPING Use the concept map information to help you understand how to create a concept map – as well as class instruction. You may use the template provided as a guide to help you identify but you must create your own version for the good copy submission.
CONCEPT MAPPING What is Mind Mapping/Concept Mapping? Mind mapping is a strategy for helping students order and structure their thinking through mentally mapping words or/and concepts. Mind maps were developed as a way of helping students make notes that used only key words, phrases and connections. They are much quicker to make, and because of their visual quality much easier to remember and review. What is its purpose? This strategy helps students quickly relate a central word or concept. The mind forms associations almost instantaneously and 'mapping' allows you to write your ideas quicker, using only words or phrases. How do I do it? To make a mind map, start in the centre of the page with the main idea, and work outward in all directions, producing a growing and organized structure composed of key words and key images.
COMMUNICATION – SEMINAR PARTICIPATION AND NOTES: Your communication mark will be based on your participation during the seminar discussion. This will take place during an entire class period once the articles and case information has been reviewed. The seminar questions are the following: With our understanding of the criminal brain, how can we understand the actions of those who suffer from brain abnormalities when they commit crimes? Are their actions justifiable based on the reason that they could not help their behaviours? How is society (social institutions) to blame for allowing this issue to occur?
COMM SEMINAR SUCCESS CRITERIA: Your participation will be marked and tallied on the following criteria: Relevance of Answers – evidence to back up your position Use Direct Information from Articles and Cases Referring to Other Participant’s Responses - Etiquette: (Active Listening, Not Interrupting, Allowing/encouraging others to speak, Appropriate language)
SEMINAR PARTICIPATION/NOTES: While the seminar is taking place, I will be keeping a tally of each person’s participation levels based on the criteria listed above. You are required to take point form notes during the discussion of the responses given from the class. These must be handed in with your final submission. You are not required to make a good copy of these notes – hand in the notes you took while the discussion was going on.
APPLICATION – POST SEMINAR WRITE UP: The task for this section is to write an argumentative response to the seminar questions.
APP SUCCESS CRITERIA: In your written response, you must include the following components: Your clear argument Evidence from the articles and cases to back up your position Direct use of responses from the seminar discussion Proper sentence structure, grammar and social science language
TIMELINES/DUE DATES: Articles: Case Studies: Seminar Discussion: Seminar Write Up: