Lifelong Learning 1
2 Objectives Understand why lifelong learning is important
Importance Keeping your job Enhancing your career options Licensing Upward job mobility Personal satisfaction Others?
Types Graduate school Professional Development Hours Company required (or company offered) Continued Service On your own 4
Graduate School Online or traditional or in-between In your field, related to your field, other Project-based or thesis based Company pays/helps or on-your-own 5
Graduate School Complete before you leave Good relationship w/ your advisor Perseverence 6
Professional Development Hours PE (36 hours in a 3-year period) Review “commonly asked questions: Example of companies that offer PDF credits: 7
Homework 1. Have you thought about graduate school? 2. If not, why not? If yes, what programs have you researched? 3. Research the GRE and prepare a one-page summary description. 4. Research 3 graduate program from 3 different schools that you think you might be interested in. Provide a detailed description of each program. Summarize the admittance requirements and provide a discussion as to whether you currently meet them. What could you do now to improve your odds for gaining admittance to the programs you are interested in?
9 Lifelong Learning (10-12 minutes) 1. Graduate school program options for engineering technology graduates 2. Graduate school-thesis or project? 3. Graduate school-online programs versus conventional programs 4. Continuing education requirements (PE) 5. Companies that provide continuous education (Not Assigned) 6. Salary data: (high school, associate, bachelor’s, master’s. PhD) 7. Importance of lifelong learning (Not Assigned) 8. Assessing “lifelong learning” (Not Assigned) 9. Learning via the scientific method (Not Assigned)
The Impossible Challenge: Spring 2014 “….and eventually I want to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives”—Theo Janson Build a “model” of a “Strandbeest” and explain how it works (presentation due April 21/22nd) 50% of grade based on “completion” and 50% of grade based on voting (#1-50, #2-45, #3-40) Starting References:
The Impossible Challenge: Spring 2013 Build a “model” of the stangenkunst (&/or jerker line) system and explain how it works (presentation due April 9 th ) Grade based on voting (#1-100, #2-95, #3-90 & #4-90) Starting References: power-stangenkunst.html power-stangenkunst.html power-jerker-line-systems.html power-jerker-line-systems.html 11
The Impossible Challenge: Not Assigned Spring 2012 Build a model of the Antikythera mechanism and explain how it works Starting References: Supplementary.pdf Supplementary.pdf 12