„Hands on Particle Physics“ EPOG Masterclasses for WYP05 Michael Kobel Bonn University Germany EPOG outreach meeting, Athens,
General Outline Particle Physics Masterclass (MC), idea from UK Students (16-18 year olds) spend 1 day at university / institute listen to lectures (introduction to particle physics) work like real scientists European Organisation for WYP 2005 One or more MCs in each country (30-50 students each) Over 60 institutes from 18 countries interested more than 2000 students expected Whole activity w/in 2 weeks: March 7 to March 18, masterclasses join in video conference at the end of the day Discuss results and differences Combine results (better accuracy)
Typical Agenda: morning LECTURE HALL 9:30 Welcome: The World Year of Physics 2005, and the WYP Masterclasses 10:00 1st Lecture: Preparation for the afternoon PC Exercise 1 (MANDATORY) Particle Physics, Accelerators, Detectors, Standard Model: Building Blocks and Forces. Discussion 11:00 Second Lecture: (free choice, typically related to the institutes activities) e.g. more details on one special particle physics experiment, particle physics and cosmology, spin-off effects of particle physics etc. Discussion 12:00 Local Information: (optional) e.g. facts about the lab, or information about studying physics CANTINE 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch including informal discussions with lecturers and student tutors
Typical Agenda: afternoon PC Pool (and Lab) 14:00 – 16:00 PC Exercise 1: Measuring Z branching ratios (MANDATORY) 14:00 Introduction 14:30 Students working in pairs themselves at the PC with LEP data 15:30 Collection of results, discussion and interpretation Short Pause with refreshments 16:00 – 17:30 Free session, chose one from the following - PC Exercise 2: e.g.Lancaster teaching system - Lab experiment: Cosmic ray measurements with the “Kamiokanne” - Ask a scientist: Open Q&A forum about big bang and particle physics - Guided Tour through the Lab Video Room 17:30 Daily European Video Conference (MANDATORY) Sharing Experiences (typically 4-6 classes) Combining Results on Z branching ratios Discussion, questions to scientists maybe some competition -> winner? 18:30 END, souvenir distribution: e.g. Masterclass CDs, other CD?, CERN comic
The organisational Team Michael Kobel, Bonn University, EPOG Overall coordination on behalf of EPOG Stefanie Zweifel, Executive Coordinator ( Executive Secretary, Science-on-Stage Germany) European logistics ( ing, press, contact to SonS international) special German program in WYP SonS-D Einstein student competition for WYP one of the prizes: Participation at WYP-MC at DESY(x2),GSI,CERN (funded by German Outreach Budget) Christian Helzel, Technical Coordinator ( Bonn, Physics Teacher (5h / week)) Web Pages Creation of a WYP Masterclass CD Organisation of material translation for CD Technical coordination of video conferencing
Financing No cost: University/ research centre infrastructure (video conf, PCs, lecture halls) Scientists for talks Paper copies for work sheets local students travel (public transport) local cost: (not covered by EPS) „salary“ for student tutors (if needed) lunch / refreshments for participants (local sponsors?) ACTION FOR YOU? central cost: executive coordinator (from German SonS-D sponsor) technical coordinator (5h / week): 4000€ from German Outreach 2500 masterclass CDs (to take home): 4000€ from EPS-HEPP 2500 CERN comics (to be decided by CERN) 2500 „particle adventure“ CDs (EPS funding, if available)
Exercises 3 central mandatory Z branching ratio exercises: (one has to be picked by each institute): „Identifying Particles“ (T.Wyatt, Manchester) mandatory: Z BR‘s from OPAL (English, German) optional: WW pairs, 4f events (English) „Hands on CERN“ (E.Johannsson et al, Stockholm) mandatory: Z BR‘s from DELPHI (English, Swedish, Hungarian) optional: WW pairs, alpha_s (English, Swedish) „Keyhole to the birth of Time“ (J.Gillies at al, CERN) mandatory: Z BR‘s from DELPHI (English, Polish, Spanish(?)) optional: alpha_s (English, Polish, Spanish(?)) Many other optional exercises (less suited for MC, better for home) BABAR (English) Lancaster (English) Erlangen (German) Bonn (German)
Web Pages = Masterclass CD General Information (at least one of the) mandatory exercises in all languages existing: English, German, Swedish, Polish, Spanish(?), Hungarian (old), Portugiese possible volunteers for (further) translations: Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, French, Fleemish/Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Polish, Norwegian, Greece (new) (very few confirmations, yet) ACTION FOR YOU? missing volunteers for: Italian, Finnish ACTION FOR YOU ! possibly more translations complete „Hands-on-CERN“, „Keyhole“, „Identifying Particles“ (would be ideal!) any other(?): BABAR, Lancaster, Erlangen, Bonn,… List of participating Institutes Contact details 1 page in local language (to be done) local institute information local particle physics for students organisational information …(not to be included on CD)
Organisation Translation: Ready to be started, download setup from Web pageWeb page aim: deadline end of June! Institute Pages: some contact details still missing template for local page to be done Video meeting organisation: nothing done yet, two options Multicontrol Unit MCU mix of ISDN and TCPIP VRVS System NEW: Help from CERN-IT (Mick Draper) offered Feedback from responsibles 47 institutes have confirmed participation from having PCs for about 2200 students 3 institutes take „probably“ 3 UK institutes could do it after term on institutes haven‘t answered after 2.reminder (4 GR, 4 I, …)
Open Problems / Questions CH and F missing completely (apart from CERN) UK has difficulties (term and easter holidays) 2 „probably“ before possible on extend program by 1 day (Monday?) Organisation over EPOG contacts or single institutes? best to be decided by each country FEEDBACK FROM YOU! help from Science on Stage teachers to publicize program? Kick-off event on first day in Berlin/Zeuthen during main German WYP week of German Physical Society Questions /suggestions from Your side?