Eugene S. Takle Project to Intercompare Regional Climate Simulations Iowa State University Ames, IA Transferability Working Group GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel World Climate Research Programme Regional-Scale Climate Modeling Workshop World Climate Research Programme Lund Sweden 29 March - 1 April 2004
Initiation At the Ninth Annual Meeting of the GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel of the WCRP in September 2003 interest emerged for conducting transferability experiments to advance the science of high-resolution climate modeling by taking advantage of contental-scale observations and analyses
Initiation (cont’d) Purpose is to add value to, not supplant, ongoing model/observations comparisons. PIRCS was tentatively suggested as a coordinating center for this activity, subject to approval of the modeling community
Transferability Working Group Mission To understand physical processes underpinning the global water and energy cycles and their predictability through systematic intercomparisons of regional climate simulations on several continents and comparison of these simulated climates with coordinated continental-scale observations and analyses
Types of Experiments Multiple models on multiple domains Not –Single models on single domains –Single models on multiple domains –Multiple models on single domains
Organizing Meeting (?) Bring together modelers and managers of continental-scale observation programs Review status of measurements regarding water and energy cycles and their predictability on scales of days to interannual Review strengths and weaknesses of high- resolution climate modeling on specific domains and their abilities to function effectively on non- native domains. Design a set of transferability experiments that explores energy and water cycle components in widely different domains
Meeting (cont’d) Observations component –Review what has been learned from past obs –Review local unique features critical to E&WC –Review datasets available and being collected –Examine data quality and differences of reanalysis data sets –Search for “meta-comparisons”
Meeting (cont’d) Modeling component –What has been learned from past MIPs? –Develop a set of modeling issues that will benefit from transferability experiments What do we mean by transferability? What are the transferability criteria? What are the transferability accuracy expectations? What simulation processes challenge the transferability criteria? Whate environments challenge the transferability criteria? –Develop a set of transferability numerical simulations
Interest in a Transferability Working Group Organizational Meeting? Date? Place?