Summative Portfolio The Giver
Choice Board
Portfolio Activity 1 Letter to Author: -Write a letter to Lois Lowry, and share the reasons you liked/disliked the book, the questions you still have about the book, your favorite passage or quote, or even important lessons you learned through reading this book.
Portfolio Activity 2 Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: -Write a review of the book in the style of a movie review. Explain reasons why you would give this book a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
Portfolio Activity 3 Comic Book: -Turn part of the book into a comic book, complete with comic- style illustrations and dialogue bubbles. Include captions below that describe each scene.
Portfolio Activity 4 Change the Ending: -First explain the conflict of the story. Then, write an alternate ending for this book. This should be narrative style writing.
Portfolio Activity 5 Text to Text Connection: -Compare and Contrast The Giver to a book or story you’ve read by answering the questions in the chart.
Portfolio Activity 6 Fill in the Facebook page below for Jonas. Create a profile picture status updates, personal information, comments from other characters, even ads on the side that would interest your character.
Portfolio Activity 7 Interview a Character: -Conduct an interview with one of the characters from the book. You must write the character’s response to each question. The question and answers should provide information that shows you have read/understood the book.
Portfolio Activity 8 Setting: -Write a paragraph explaining how the setting (The Community) is important to The Giver. Think about how the story would change if it was set in a different location or in a different time.