Information Needs of Researchers of IBM India Research Lab, Delhi Presentation By Anita Kumari, Librarian, IBM India Research Lab & Dr. (Mrs) Moorttimatee Samantaray, Deputy Librarian, NCERT
Abstract Libraries and information systems are designed and built with the primary objective of meeting the information needs of a group of people who constitute their clientele. So, this paper describes the information behaviour of the IBM users in India Research Lab, Delhi. Besides studying the information needs of the users, this paper also examines how effectively we can help the researchers in getting the desired information. It also focuses on the utilization and satisfaction levels of users with respect to the e-resources available and how it can be made more effective.
Objective To what extent the library resources are helpful? How effective are the services provided by IRL Library for the research work of the researchers at IRL? What are the needs of the researchers in addition to the existing resources and services? Are the equipment and materials provided for organization of library resources actually adequate to cope with the demands?
IRL Library is online library having more than 1000 Technical books, Conference proceedings and around 70 subscribed print Journals, technical reports etc. Besides print collection, it has good collection of electronic subscription includes IEEE, ACM, EBSCO Host (Business source corporate), Books 24x7, Online USENIX conference proceedings, audio visual material etc. IRL Library
o Printed Books & Conference Proceedings o Printed Journals o E-Books o E-Journals o Membership Resources of Library o Knowledge gate alerts o Secondary Market Research o IEEE Electronic Library o o Web of Knowledge o Info Tech Trends Services of Library
A questionnaire was designed for the researchers of IBM India Research Lab, Delhi. The designed questionnaire was sent to all the members through . The questionnaire was designed to meet the objectives of the study. The data thus obtained from the respondents were analysed to draw conclusion. Some of the respondents were also interviewed personally to understand their needs. Their responses were analyzed and represented in the graphical form. Methodology
Observations Graph - 1
Observations Graph - 2
Observations Graph - 3 In the first question of the user satisfaction are 92% respondents absolutely / strongly agree that, IRL library is very important to their work at IBM. In Second Question 96% are very satisfied with IRL Library service. Third question shows that 93% visit the Library frequently. In question Four, 97% says that information needs are met by the library. In question five 94% measures the library service as excellent. In question 6, 97% are very satisfied in the collections and services provided by their library
Observations Personal Interview During personal interview, 75% suggests to develop the acquisition policy so that international edition can arrive at the earliest. 40% needs mere E-resources. 35% readers are of the view that the collection maybe enhanced and more concentration may be given on the latest editions new arrival.
The investigators strongly felt that, even if IRL library is catering service to the researchers in the field of IT, they are also keen in using the print documents to the maximum level. They are suggesting for the development of book collection, especially classics. This shows that they are in need of different existing library services for their research. But on the other hand, they are interested to read for personal development and light reading for leisure. They are highly impressed in the existing library resources and services. But they want the library to procure books and develop a collection of newly released books. They are also interested to order books for the library and not aware of the existing system of web-form. This leads the library staff to organize program on information literacy for the researchers. Conclusion
References Balliarsingh, R.K. and Mahapatra, M. Reading interests among adult literates in a Semi urban community of Orissa. Annals of Library Science and Documentation (2), pp Crawford, S. Information needs and uses. Annual review of Information Science and Technology , pp Devadason, F.J. A Methodology for the identification of information needs of users. 62nd IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings – August 25-31, Mahapatra, R.K & Panda, K.C. SRELS Journal of Information Management. June (2), pp Meitei, L.S. and Devi, T.P. Information needs of the small scale industries: prospects of E-Commerce in Manipur. ILA Bulletin 2007, 43(1), pp Musib, S.K. Information needs of the Cottage industries: a Survey Report; CLIS- Observer. January – June (1-2), pp Paisley, W.J. Information needs and uses. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. 1968, pp. 1-30
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